[Tutor] Update Python 3.9.16 from Python 3.9.13

Dennis Nguyen Dennis at netwealth.com.au
Mon Dec 26 04:26:31 EST 2022

Hi Tutors,

I understand that there is no installers file to install python 3.9.16, we must install python 3.9.13.
My question: could we able to install security fixes 3.9.16 on a windows VM which currently install 3.9.13.

Regarding with this link https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3916/, I am able to download oython-3.9.16.tgz. After downloaded, I extracted the file, but I have no idea how to install this patch.

Could you please instruct us how to patch security fix?

Thank you.

Dennis Nguyen
Senior Systems Engineer
Netwealth Investments Limited

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