[Tutor] Rich (and Textual) was: Re: Pygubu designer question

Leam Hall leamhall at gmail.com
Mon Feb 7 11:59:39 EST 2022

On 2/6/22 07:54, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:

> If I was starting a new non-windowed terminal app I'm pretty
> sure I'd choose rich over curses. It doesn't do anything extra
> (so far as I can tell) but it does it a lot more easily and
> more readably!

Sounds like an opportunity for a new book.  :)

Site Automation Engineer   (reuel.net/resume)
Scribe: The Domici War     (domiciwar.net)
General Ne'er-do-well      (github.com/LeamHall)

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