[Tutor] any(x)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 7 18:37:44 EST 2022

On 07/02/2022 22:05, Oliver Haken wrote:
> I have a generator to make an infinite list of numbers
> Code: Select all<https://forums.sourcepython.com/viewtopic.php?t=2663#>
>  t = 0
> u = []
> def h ():
>  while True:
>   t = t + 1
>   u.append(t)
>   yield u
> h ()
> But how do I use it?

Like any function you need to use the value returned.
Although in this case you are returning the list which
is already available as a global variable.

It would be more normal for the generator to yield the
integer and then for your code to store it in the list:

def get_num():
   n = 0
   while True:
      n += 1
      yield n

u = []
for j in range(100):   # or however many numbers you need...


By putting the number inside the function you don't get any
weird side-effects - like if somebody modifies t between calls?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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