[Tutor] Tkinter and matplotlib

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Sat Feb 12 13:06:28 EST 2022

On 2/11/22 19:10, Phil wrote:

> It was just an illustration, that's all.
> Thanks for the links. By the way, I'm not trying to simulate a CRO, it's 
> just an exercise to embed matplotlib in Tkinter and then test it with 
> some data.

I missed the start of this thread, so maybe I am way off base. Have you 
considered using Jupyter notebook? I just finished an on line Pandas 
course and it used Jypyter notebook. I was amazed what you could do with 
just a few lines of code. Nicely formatted tables and Matplotlib will 
display plots in Jupyter. I just signed up for a course on Jupyter 
notebooks to get more than a surface understanding of them.

Regards,  Jim

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