[Tutor] Excel to SQL DB using Python
Peter Otten
__peter__ at web.de
Fri Feb 25 09:29:48 EST 2022
On 25/02/2022 13:00, Hannah Jones wrote:
> Hello,
> I need help with some code if possible please.
> I am trying to convert an excel file to a list and then iterate over the list and add to an SQL database.
> I am having trouble adding the data to the database.
> I have already established the connection - all good.
> My code is:
> Locations = []
> filename = input("Enter Filename Containing your Locations: ")
> with open(filename, "r") as csv_file:
> csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
> #skips the header from the excel file
> next(csv_reader)
> for lines in csv_reader:
> Locations.append(lines)
> # SQL Statements
> sqlDELETE = "DELETE FROM dbo.GeocodingLocations"
> cursor.execute(sqlDELETE)
> sqlINSERTBase = "INSERT INTO dbo.GeocodingLocations (SageCode, Name, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressLine3, AddressLine4, City, CountryName) VALUES "
> sqlVALUES = ""
> # Iteration to add to Studio DB
> for x in Locations:
> SageCode = x[0] ; Name = x[1] ; AddressLine1 = x[2] ; AddressLine2 = x[3] ; AddressLine3 = x[4] ; AddressLine4 = x[5] ; City = x[6] ; CountryName = x[7]
> sqlVALUES = sqlVALUES + "( '" + SageCode + "', '" + Name + "', '" + AddressLine1 + "', '" + AddressLine2 + "', '" + AddressLine3 + "', '" + AddressLine4 + "', '" + City + "', '" + CountryName + "' ), '"
> sqlINSERT = sqlINSERTBase + sqlVALUES
> cursor.execute(sqlINSERT)
> cursor.commit()
> con.close()
> however I keep receiving this error; pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near 'S'. (102) (SQLExecDirectW)")
> I know my error is in this line;
> sqlVALUES = sqlVALUES + "( '" + SageCode + "', '" + Name + "', '" + AddressLine1 + "', '" + AddressLine2 + "', '" + AddressLine3 + "', '" + AddressLine4 + "', '" + City + "', '" + CountryName + "' ), '"
> but I am not sure where exactly, any help is highly appreciated.
You are constructing the insertion statement manually, like in the
example below:
first, second = "Hannah", "Jones"
sql = "insert into people (first, second) values ('" + first + "', '" +
+ second + "');"
This is error prone and even dangerous when the name is entered/provided
by an untrusted user/source. A classic example:
You can avoid this problem dubbed "sql injection" by using a fixed query:
sql = "insert into people (first, second) values (?, ?);"
cursor.execute(sql, (first, second))
In the example I use the question mark as a placeholder; you can find
the actual placeholder in the paramstyle attribute. See
for the details.
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