[Tutor] Question about python decorators

Roel Schroeven roel at roelschroeven.net
Mon Jul 11 07:08:42 EDT 2022

Op 11/07/2022 om 12:58 schreef nathan tech:
> As I understand it, decorators are usuallyed created as:
> @object.event
> Def function_to_be_executed():
> Do_stuff
> My question is, is there a way to create this after the function is created?
> So:
> Def function():
> Print("this is interesting stuff")
> @myobject.event=function
You can write it as

     function = myobject.event

Actually the syntax using @object.event in front of the function is 
syntactic sugar for that notation.


     import time
     import functools

     def slow():

     slow = functools.cache(slow)

Now slow() will only be slow on the first call, because subsequent calls 
will be served from the cache.


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