[Tutor] Need help installing a program on my computer using python (Bruker2nifti)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jul 20 20:25:29 EDT 2022

On 21/07/2022 00:23, Siddharth Satishchandran wrote:
> I know pip install bruker is needed but it is not working on my console. 

Please be secific. "Not working" ios not helpful.
What exactly did you type? what exactly was the result?
cut n paste from your console into the message,
do not paraphrase the errors or output.

Also tell us the OS you are using and the python version.

The actual command needed, according to the PyPi page is

pip install bruker2nifti

And you can use the copy-to-clipboard link to paste it
into your terminal. This needs to be run from your OS
prompt (after installing Python, if necessary). That
should download and install all necessary files.

Most folks usually prefer to use the following however,
because it gives more reliable results and better debugging

python3 -m pip install bruker2nifti

The package maintainer seems to have an issues page, you
should try contacting him/her directly if pip does not


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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