[Tutor] Volunteer teacher
Leam Hall
leamhall at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 15:24:31 EDT 2022
On 7/23/22 14:14, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Jul 2022 04:53:22 -0500, Leam Hall <leamhall at gmail.com>
> declaimed the following:
>> For the latter, Python Object Oriented Programming (https://www.amazon.com/Python-Object-Oriented-Programming-maintainable-object-oriented/dp/1801077266).
> <snicker>
> A rather unfortunate name... Acronym POOP... "Object Oriented
> Programming in Python" avoids such <G>
> Of course -- my view is that, if one is going to focus on OOP, one
> should precede it with an introduction to a language-neutral OOAD textbook.
Worse, the book is published by Packt; so it's "Packt POOP". :)
I disagree on the "OOAD first" opinion, though. Programming is about exploration, and we learn more by exploring with fewer third party constraints. Those OOAD tomes are someone else's opinion on how we should do things, and until we have a handle on what we're actually able to do then there's no frame of reference for the OODA to stick to.
I'm a prime example of "needs to read less and code more". Incredibly bad habit, see a good book and buy it before really understanding the last half-dozen or so books I already have on that topic. Well, with Python I'm over a dozen, but other languages not so much.
Automation Engineer (reuel.net/resume)
Scribe: The Domici War (domiciwar.net)
General Ne'er-do-well (github.com/LeamHall)
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