[Tutor] POSIT and QUARTO
avi.e.gross at gmail.com
avi.e.gross at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 12:22:48 EDT 2022
This is not a question. Just a fairly short comment about changes that may
impact some Python users.
I have long used both R and python to do things but had to use different
development environments. The company formerly called RSTUDIO has been
increasingly supporting python as well as R and now has been renamed to
POSIT, presumably by adding a P for Python and keeping some letter from
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I mention this as I have already been doing some python work in RSTUDIO as
well as anaconda and for small bits in IDLE and even in a CYGWIN environment
and my machine is a tad confused at the multiple downloads of various
versions of python.
Also, I have been using tools to make live documents that run code and
interleave it with text and the new company also supports a sort of vastly
improved and merged version of a product that will now also work with python
and other languages called QUARTO that some might be interested in.
I have no personal connection with the company except as a happy user for
many years who has been interested much more broadly than their initial
product and will happily use the abilities they provide that let me mix and
match what I do in an assortment of languages. Time for me to revisit Julia
and Javascript that are now supported.
I am NOT saying there is anything wrong with python, just a new option on
how to work with python in a nice well-considered GUI that many already have
found very useful. In many fields of use, many programmers and projects
often choose among various programming languages and environments so you
often end up having to be, in a sense, multilingual and multicultural. So it
can be nice to work toward an environment where many people can be
comfortable and even work together while remaining somewhat unique. The
above is an example I have used to write documents that incorporate
functionality as in use R to read in a file, convert it and save another
file while producing some statistics in the text, then in the same document,
have a snippet of python open that output file and do more and show it in
the same document, as an example.
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