[Tutor] Event loop logic question

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 25 20:06:25 EDT 2022

On 26/6/22 08:59, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> I don't know your particular framework but as a general rule UI
> changes should be in the paint/draw/update function and only
> state data changes in the event handlers.

Thank you Alan once again for your time and your comments are always 

I was looking for an easy way to repeatedly read the keyboard and 
pygamezero fills the bill. The problem that I initially had was that the 
update function is called many times per second and sending control 
commands from there caused the receiving hardware to be overwhelmed and 
then to crash. The UI is a 20 * 20 square and servers no use at all, 
it's just a requirement as far as I can tell, and so does not need 
updating. All I need is to read the arrow keys and to be able to quit 
the programme.

There is no need for any user output to be displayed on the transmitting 
laptop, the print statements were just a debugging aid. Briefly, I SSH 
from my laptop to a raspberry pi via my mobile phone created WiFi 
network. No doubt it's an amateurish solution, however, it's simple and 
does exactly what I had intended.



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