[Tutor] Feedback on coding style
Leam Hall
leamhall at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 15:53:32 EDT 2022
Hey Alex, here's the code:
I try to keep things simple, it lets you specify a file "-f", and you can use "-a" to add numbers. The added data gets appended to a file, with the timestamp of the add as a data point. The plan is to allow a "for the past X days" as a range, without forcing the file to remain in order. For example:
150 93 73 20220512.0832
That's systolic, diastolic, pulse, and the automatically appended timestamp in "YYYYMMDD.HHMM" format.
On 6/26/22 14:37, Alex Kleider wrote:
> I don't see this code on your github account.
> (https://github.com/LeamHall?tab=repositories)
> I'd be interested in seeing the current version having done something
> somewhat related.
> (https://github.com/alexKleider/blood-pressure-record)
> My code needs a little updating (with regard to the README at least)
> which I'll do if prodded a bit:-)
> a
> PS Disclaimer: python for me is an avocation, not a vocation!
> On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 5:03 AM Leam Hall <leamhall at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I'm looking for general Python code critique, feel free to share snarky comments. :) The parameters are:
>> 1. Code to Python 3.6 or so.
>> 2. Use only the standard library or locally created modules.
>> 3. Keep it clean and simple so new Pythonistas can understand and contribute.
>> Let me know how to make this better.
>> Leam
>> --
>> Automation Engineer (reuel.net/resume)
>> Scribe: The Domici War (domiciwar.net)
>> General Ne'er-do-well (github.com/LeamHall)
>> ###
>> #!/usr/bin/env python3
>> # name: bp_tracker.py
>> # version: 0.0.1
>> # date: 20220509
>> # author: Leam Hall
>> # desc: Track and report on blood pressure numbers.
>> # Notes:
>> # Datafile expects three ints and one float, in order.
>> # TODO
>> # Add statistical analysis for standard deviation.
>> # Report based on time of day (early, midmorning, afternoon, evening)
>> # (?) Add current distance from goal?
>> import argparse
>> from datetime import datetime
>> import os.path
>> def array_from_file(report_file):
>> data = []
>> with open(report_file, 'r') as file:
>> for line in file:
>> line.strip()
>> datum = line.split()
>> if len(datum) == 4:
>> data.append(datum)
>> else:
>> continue
>> return data
>> def report(report_data):
>> highest_systolic = 0
>> highest_diastolic = 0
>> highest_pulse = 0
>> latest = -1.0
>> for datum in report_data:
>> systolic = int(datum[0])
>> diastolic = int(datum[1])
>> pulse = int(datum[2])
>> date = float(datum[3])
>> if systolic > highest_systolic:
>> highest_systolic = systolic
>> highest_systolic_event = datum
>> if diastolic > highest_diastolic:
>> highest_diastolic = diastolic
>> highest_diastolic_event = datum
>> if pulse > highest_pulse:
>> highest_pulse = pulse
>> highest_pulse_event = datum
>> if date > latest:
>> latest_record = datum
>> print("Highest Systolic: {}/{} {} {}".format(*highest_systolic_event))
>> print("Highest Diastolic: {}/{} {} {}".format(*highest_diastolic_event))
>> print("Highest Pulse: {}/{} {} {}".format(*highest_pulse_event))
>> print("Latest Record: {}/{} {} {}".format(*latest_record))
>> def result_string(report_list):
>> return "{} {} {} {}".format(*report_list)
>> report_file = "bp_numbers.txt"
>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>> parser.add_argument("-a", "--add", nargs=3,
>> help = "Add in the order of systolic, diastolic, pulse")
>> parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help = "Report file")
>> args = parser.parse_args()
>> if args.file:
>> report_file = args.file
>> if args.add:
>> # This format allows sequencing now and parsing later.
>> timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M")
>> this_report = args.add
>> this_report.append(timestamp)
>> with open(report_file, 'a') as file:
>> file.write(result_string(this_report) + "\n")
>> else:
>> # Default behavior is to report.
>> if os.path.exists(report_file):
>> try:
>> report_data = array_from_file(report_file)
>> report(report_data)
>> except:
>> print("Error processing report data")
>> else:
>> print("Cannot find ", report_file)
>> ###
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Automation Engineer (reuel.net/resume)
Scribe: The Domici War (domiciwar.net)
General Ne'er-do-well (github.com/LeamHall)
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