[Tutor] problem solving with lists

marcus.luetolf at bluewin.ch marcus.luetolf at bluewin.ch
Sun Mar 6 02:15:31 EST 2022

Hello Experts,

I'am still biting my teeth out trying to put in to code the following


1.Set up a list of 16 letters and assign it to a variable : all_letters =

2.Find an code to insert all 16 letters in 5 Lists in 4 sublists of 4
letters in each list:

  list1 = [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ['e', 'f', 'g', 'k'].....['m', 'n', 'o',

  list2= [['a', 'e', 'f','g'] ...............,['d', 'i', 'l',' p']]



  list5 =[[...],....................,[.........]]

  with constraint that a pair of letters, p.e. ['a', 'b', ..] can occur
only once in all 20 sublists

  or if  list1 contains sublist ['a', 'b',..],  such a sublist cannot appear
in list2 through list5.


To write this code, 

as a first step I made a list (comb_list) containing all possible sublists
and reducing their number to 80 

by sorting them : ['a', 'b'..] equals ['b', 'a', ..] :

with to code snippet below.


>comb_list = []

>for dummy_i in range(4):  

    >copy_all_letters = all_letters[:]

    >lst = (16*16)*copy_all_letters

    >f1 = []

    >f2 = []

    >f3 = []

    >f4 = []

   > f1.append(lst[0+n])




   > f1.sort()








   > f3.append(lst[1+n])






   > f4.append(lst[9+n])


   > f4.append(lst[13+n])

   > f4.append(lst[15+n])


   > comb_list.append(f4)

   > print(f1, f2, f4, f4)

   > print(comb_list)

   > n += 3


The next step should be to extract out of the 80 sublists in comb_list 20
sublists fullfilling the above mentioned constraint.

a) I don't know how to do that, b) I am not shure wether this is a way do
it,  nor c) if my problem can by solved by python at all.


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