[Tutor] problem solving with lists
Dennis Lee Bieber
wlfraed at ix.netcom.com
Fri Mar 25 09:27:12 EDT 2022
On Fri, 25 Mar 2022 16:56:06 +1300, dn <PythonList at DancesWithMice.info>
declaimed the following:
>Further, if we consider that arranging players into a logical order,
>before selection, is also a likely and 'natural' approach; this would
>seem to imply that every time they enter a tournament, 'a' and 'b' will
>play each other in the first game. That may not be a good thing! (may
>not even be seen as "fair" - by those who don't think in statistics)
>Accordingly, I'm wondering how 'expensive' it would be to 'throw' all
>the player's names into a 'pool' and make repeated random drawings to
>form the groupings? Each such selection, will either be 'accepted' if
>the player may be added to the group currently being constructed, or
>'rejecting' if the player is not suitable/permitted to be added (and
>returning to the 'pool').
Since "a", "b", etc. are just placeholders, and -- if all tournaments
are based upon the same criteria (4 groups of 4 players for 5 weeks) such
that the "table of placeholders" doesn't change (it becomes a constant in
the code that translates from placeholder to player name) -- all that is
required is to randomize the list of 16 players before mapping them to the
placeholder letters.
random.shuffle(x[, random])
Shuffle the sequence x in place.
To shuffle an immutable sequence and return a new shuffled list, use
sample(x, k=len(x)) instead.
random.sample(population, k)
Return a k length list of unique elements chosen from the population
sequence or set. Used for random sampling without replacement.
Returns a new list containing elements from the population while leaving
the original population unchanged. The resulting list is in selection order
so that all sub-slices will also be valid random samples. This allows
raffle winners (the sample) to be partitioned into grand prize and second
place winners (the subslices).
players = [ "Lady Gaga", "Arnold Palmer", ..., "George Bush" ]
lookup = {}
for i, placeholder in enumerate("abcdefghijklmnop"):
lookup[placeholder] = players[i]
Alternatively, untested:
players = [ "Lady Gaga", "Arnold Palmer", ..., "George Bush" ]
lookup = {}
for placeholder, player in zip("abcdefghijklmnop", players):
lookup[placeholder] = player
Final output would look something like (pseudo-code)
for w, week in enumerate(weeks)::
print("Week %s" % w+1)
for t, team in enumerate(week):
print("\tTeam %s" % t+1)
for player in team:
print("\t\t%s" % players[player])
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
wlfraed at ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
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