[Tutor] How to change the values in python code?

dn PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Mon Nov 7 20:28:19 EST 2022

On 08/11/2022 12.47, David wrote:
> Hi list,

Which is an interesting form of address. To you the list is a plurality. 
To me (and to most?all readers), I am singular.

"Communication" is interesting.
The tool often shapes how communication 'works'.
(and the particular (types of) problems of communication that arise)

> (aside:
> I should resist the temptation to guess, because I think this
> list does far too much of that, perhaps to the point that it might
> be excessive for the questioner.

This is a symptom.
What is the cause?

> Observing recent hiccups, I wonder if things would work better
> for everyone if tutors on the list initially engaged with questioners
> in a minimal way until they show themselves to be responsive
> and articulate clearly what they want.

I'll leave the over-worked ListAdmin to answer the first part (for himself).

If someone is unable to articulate a problem, how can (s)he expect to 
express a solution?

Observation: I've seen people being given advice, the equivalent of 
'follow this link which describes how to post a 'good' question'. They 
typically do not follow the link. Their minds are too bound-up in 'the 
problem', and see the advice as a distraction.
(decide for yourself if there's a diagnosis of ego cf 'community')

Yes, the inescapable circumstances of learning are that one is not (yet) 
ready to express the problem in jargon. However, in this case, how many 
attempts have been made to understand the point at which the OP's 
data-set is to be "split"? Looking at other posts of recent days, do 
some post-ers even realise that this is a voluntary forum rather than a 
paid HelpDesk?
(which the poster has somehow managed to access without paying - again, 
decide for yourself about this logic/flight-of-fancy).

Some people have great difficulty in getting the requisite information 
'out' of their own heads, to be able to explain to others. If you've 
come-across the concept of asking folk to write code solving some 
problem, as part of a job-application process; I've often thought that 
I'd like to pose a scenario, and ask the applicant to describe the 
problem itself. (per above - understand, then solve)

All of which differs from students who would really like 'us' to 

There are also additional issues related to (English) language facility. 
As those of us who have lived outside of our own culture/language-group 
know only too well.

> Like what is in the process of occurring in this discussion.

Seeking clarification causes some back-and-forth. The reality is that 
you and I could be working on a problem, using English skilfully, and 
employing ComSc/Python-jargon correctly, but still find a need to 
clarify a point or clear some perceived ambiguity. I'd go so far as to 
suggest that such is one of the tasks (?and responsibilities) of 
anyone/everyone in a dev.team - all-day, every day.

Surely then, some 'extra' list-traffic is unavoidable?

Yes, having THE ListAdmin pre-process every first-enquiry might reduce 
list-traffic, but aside from the obvious, to what advantage?

If I was asking a question, a rapid-response from some 
Python-knowledgeable soul would be appreciated. Whereas, waiting for the 
ListAdmin to finish his entitled-portion of sleep, and do whatever else 
occupies his life, before turning to list-tasks; could become quite a 
frustrating experience.

> Learning how to ask a clear question is a very important skill
> that we can help people to learn.

As written, "we"!

> However, I don't put much effort into answering questions,
> so I don't want to appear critical of anyone here who does.
> anyway ...)
> I guess that what Sam tries to show us here is that the final
> number in the line (aka "last") is increasing, until line 1342 where
> 493 < 48075 from the previous line.

...and we read a solid, sensible, question; by way of clarification; 
which will equip you/us to better respond to the OP (and all whilst the 
ListAdmin (presumably) sleeps!

Has the proposal that the ListAdmin pre-process just been rendered 

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