[Tutor] Create command

Steve Willoughby steve at madscience.zone
Fri Sep 23 01:13:33 EDT 2022

> On 22-Sep-2022, at 21:49, dn <PythonList at DancesWithMice.info> wrote:
> On 23/09/2022 13.24, Nadine Mullings wrote:
>> I was introduced to this "community" through a Google certificate program. 

Welcome to the community. I’m not sure of the meaning of using scare quotes around that word, but this is a community nonetheless, and as with all communities of humans, we always have a need to make an effort to get along with each other and find a way to constructively work together.

>> Infrequency of responses does not erase existence and limited
>> participation should not preclude calling out something shared here
>> that's not right.  
> Agreed, and thank you for doing-so.

Yes, indeed. I’ve been a member of this community for a very long time (not until recently with this particular email address due to a domain change a year or so ago), but just haven’t had the time to respond as much as I’d like. But I do appreciate the time others have taken to welcome newcomers and help people along the way of learning Python. 

> Will look forward to positive support and future contributions...
>> High performance, here, represented as frequent responses to inquiries,
>> does not entitle anyone to be unkind. 

Especially here since we’re contributing in our spare time as an act of kindness, not as a job or obligation.


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