[Tutor] If else statement

Sibylle Koczian nulla.epistola at web.de
Sun Sep 25 06:05:30 EDT 2022


Am 24.09.2022 um 13:51 schrieb Hitesh Kumar/District Manager/Agra/CSC 2.0:
> Hi all,
> Need help in if else statement as nothing seems to work out :(
> _______________________________________________

What did you try? In what way didn't it work out? Please show the code 
that didn't work as expected. Tell us what it should have done and what 
it did instead.

This list removes screenshots and other images. HTML may cause problems 
with indentation which is very important in Python. So best write 
everything as plain text into the body of your mail.

Additionally it might be helpful if you told us what documentation you 
used to get started: the official Python tutorial? Other parts of 
docs.python.org? Other sources?

And the usual questions - but they might be unimportant in your case: 
what Python version? What OS?

Sorry to answer with questions only, but I don't think reciting the 
relevant part of the tutorial would be more helpful.


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