[Tutor] Fwd: Plotting baseline to my CV
Alan Gauld
learn2program at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 03:48:08 EDT 2023
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Subject: Re: [Tutor] Plotting baseline to my CV
To: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk>
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import scipy
from scipy import signal
from scipy.io <http://scipy.io/> import loadmat
import re
os.chdir('C:\Maddy - Research\Medtronic Project\Raw Data')
x = nD['Trace_1_26_3_2'][:,1]
y = nD['Trace_1_26_3_1'][:,1]
smoothy = signal.savgol_filter(y,40,3)
#rflat_start = np.array(())
#rflat_end = np.array(())
#lflat_start = np.array()
#lflat_end = np.array()
ltang_reg = []
ltang_m = []
ltangb = []
ltang_eg = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
rtang_reg = []
rtang_m = []
rtang_b = []
rtang_eq = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
lpeak_index = []
ipcs = np.array(())
Epcs = np.array(())
rpeak_index = []
ipas = np.array(())
Epas = np.array(())
#for V in potential [i]:
#ltang_eq[i].append(ltang_m[i] * V + ltang_b[i])
#currentdif = current[i] - ltang_eq[i]
# rpeak_index.append(np.argmax(currentdif))
# ipas = np.append(ipas, currentdif[rpeak_index[i]])
# Epas = np.array(Epas, potential[i][rpeak_index[i]])
# rtang_m.append(rtang_reg[i].slope)
# rtang.append(rtang_reg[i].intercept)
# for v in potential[i]:
#rtang_eq[i].append(rtang_m[i] * V + rtang_b[i])
#currentdif = current[i] - rtang_eq[i]
# ipcs = np.append(ipcs, -currentdif[lpeak_index[i]])
# Epcs = np.array(Epcs, potential[i][lpeak_index[i]])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes()
s = ' mV/s'
#ax.plot(x,smoothy*1E6,c='Blue',label='5' + s)
ax.set_xlabel('Potential $\mathregular{(V\ vs\ Li/Li^{+}}$)')
ax.set_ylabel('Current (\u03bcA)')
#ax.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=False)
#plt.ylim(-215, 325)
#plt.savefig('10 mM MPT 2.8-4.6V.')
headersArray = []
for key in nD:
nD = loadmat('20230327- 10 mM MPT')
On Sun, Apr 9, 2023 at 2:57 PM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at python.org
<mailto:tutor at python.org>> wrote:
On 09/04/2023 18:49, Maddison Eisnor wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to add baselines to my CV.
Where I come from a CV is what Americans call a Resume.
I'm guessing you mean something different but I have no idea what.
Can you explain?
What is a CV?
How are you producing it?
Are you using particular libraries like numpy for example?
What kind of baseline do you mean?
A line on a chart or a baseline set of data?
Or something else?
Don't assume we live in your world. You need to explain the context.
> I have the code to plot the CV
And if you have any code showing what you've tried that always helps
too. Don't make us guess.
-- Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
http://www.alan-g.me.uk/ <http://www.alan-g.me.uk/>
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