[Tutor] Fwd: Plotting baseline to my CV

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Mon Apr 10 15:29:57 EDT 2023

On 4/10/23 01:48, Alan Gauld wrote:
> Forward to list

Note: you're *really* going to want to get in the habit of entering 
Windows-style paths as Python raw strings.

> os.chdir('C:\Maddy - Research\Medtronic Project\Raw Data')
backslashes are escape characters to Python, so if you're not using them 
for that purpose (in this case DOS-style path separators) you need to 
tell Python so or there *will* be surprises at some point.

os.chdir(r'C:\Maddy - Research\Medtronic Project\Raw Data')

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