[Tutor] Can't use packages in newly installed python 3.11.3

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Apr 11 13:28:21 EDT 2023

On 11/04/2023 17:15, Torbjörn Svensson Diaz wrote:

> I recently installed Python 3.11.3 from source from an xz-file 
> downloaded from Python.org. I followed the instructions on 
> https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2021/10/compile-install-python-3-10-ubuntu/ 
> and were successful in installing it. However, when I try to import 
> numpy and scipy the following message prints:

Mats has addressed the immediate issue but its important to understand
that your Python system comprises two distinct parts:

1) The Python interpreter and standard library
2) Third party modules usually obtained from PyPI

A new Python release only includes the first item. The second requires
each library provider to update their libraries to the new release.
That can take from a couple of days to a few weeks or even months.

(This is one reason I try to stay one major release behind current,
so I've only recently upgraded to python 3.10  - that way I rarely
have problems with incompatible libraries)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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