[Tutor] question

David Holland davholla2002 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 12 05:11:59 EDT 2023

 This looks like homework but I am practising python myself so I will suggest what I wrote

import random
def print_ran(x):
    listnumused = []#list of numbers we have generated
    while len(x)> 0:

        a = random.choice(x)
        if listnumused.count(a)>3:#once we have used a number 4 times remove it from the list we are going to use
    print (listnumused)#print the random numbers

if __name__ == '__main__':

    On Wednesday, 12 April 2023 at 08:45:13 BST, Prayash Bhuyan <bhuyanprayash18 at gmail.com> wrote:  
 I know how to generate random numbers using random function but I want to
know how do i generate random numbers say between (1,5) where each random
number can only be repeated only 4 times........please help
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