[Tutor] Module Review

dn PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Sat Apr 15 13:46:50 EDT 2023

On 16/04/2023 03.28, Thurman Hill wrote:
> number = 2 # Initialize the variable
> while number < 13: # Complete the while loop condition
> print(number, end=" ")
>      number +2 # Increment the variable
> # Should print 2 4 6 8 10 12
> this is what i have now but i think the assessment may have messed up 
> its saying it takes more than 5 seconds
> to process so i need a simpler solution.

1 Please check how the email-client works, to ensure reply to list (cf 
one person only)

2 Did you copy-paste the code from the script? As above, it won't 
work/has a syntax error.

3 Will https://www.codespeedy.com/augmented-assignment-in-python/ help?

> On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 8:40 PM dn via Tutor <tutor at python.org 
> <mailto:tutor at python.org>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Am a little confused by the title - where's the (Python) module?
>     but, let's get on with the question...
>     On 13/04/2023 04.48, Thurman Hill wrote:
>      > I’m getting a type error when I put this into the blanks… Please
>     help I’ve been stuck for weeks…
>      >
>      > Fill in the blanks to print the even numbers from 2 to 12.
>      >
>      > number = range(2,12+1,2) # Initialize the variable
>      > while number > 0: # Complete the while loop condition
>      >      print(number, end=" ")
>      >      number # Increment the variable
>      >
>      > # Should print 2 4 6 8 10 12
>      >
>      > Error:
>      > Error on line 2:
>      >      while number > 0: # Complete the while loop condition
>      > TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'range' and 'int'
>     The experimentation that will help with this sort of problem can be
>     most-easily carried-out in the Python REPL - open a terminal*, start
>     Python, and be able to enter one line of code at a time and have Python
>     immediately execute it (or tell you where things went wrong).
>     * please 'translate' if you are an MS-Win user
>     The error message says it all - of course, if you don't know it all,
>     then... Yes, they can be quite opaque!
>     "TypeError...'range' and 'int'
>     So, what is a type-error? It comes when Python is asked to do something
>     with two operands of different types that it just can't do, ie
>     trying to
>     add apples to oranges, as the saying goes.
>     In this case, the two types are: 'range' and 'int'. The range comes
>     from
>     line 1, and "int" is short for "integer". Thus, we're talking about
>     "number" and "0" (resp).
>     In the REPL, if you type the first line, you can then investigate the
>     result. If you try:
>     print( number )
>     -> range(2, 13, 2)
>     it appears to tell you what you already know - and exactly what you
>     told
>     Python you wanted - and the "range()" part tells you that it is both of
>     type "range" and not an integer.
>     You can confirm this with:
>     print( type( number ) )
>     -> <class 'range'>
>     In fact, the "range-object" (called "number") is a "collection" of
>     integers: the "2 4 6 8 10 12" you expect.
>     However, the code (in the while-condition) is trying to treat it as if
>     it were a single integer.
>     You can read-up about range-objects, but the full-fat description is a
>     bit complicated for beginners.
>     Have you looked at lists and for-loops? If not, now is the time to
>     do-so! Lists are THE basic "collection" and are "built-in" to Python!
>     For-loops are designed to process each element in a collection, one
>     after the other. Accordingly, are a much better tool than the while
>     (etc) loop (which won't work anyway in its current form).
>     At this stage in your Python-learning, you can get-away-with treating
>     the "number" range, as if it were a list.
>     To double-check the above, try:
>     print( list( number ) )
>     -> [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
>     What's happening here is that the range (number) is being turned into a
>     list, and then the list of integers printed. Exactly what you want?
>     Once you've had time to read and think about that, it's time to go back
>     to the REPL and try-out these new ideas...
>     Once you have things working in the REPL, it is relatively easy to
>     copy-paste (the good bits!) into a code-file ("script")...
>     NB I (for one) am having trouble imagining that "number" describes a
>     list/range of integers. If it were called "even_numbers" for example
>     (note the plural - because it is a collection of multiple integers),
>     will such also help you get your head around the ideas?
>     Come back to us once you've had a chance to experiment...
>     -- 
>     Regards,
>     =dn
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