[Tutor] What's going on?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 30 19:37:58 EDT 2023

On 30/04/2023 22:31, Ed Connell wrote:

> ###############################
> import random
> import time
>     # build result, number choices, and choice count lists
>     res = []
>     nums = []
>     ct = []
>     for i in range(10):
>         ct.append(0)
>         nums.append(i)

I'd probably write that as

ct = [0] * 10
nums = list(range(10))

But your way works too...

>     print('\n\n', run, ' start\n')
>     #time.sleep(0.016) # seems to work for 0.016 or more uncommented
>     for _ in range( 30 ): # tried 10 - 40
>         random.shuffle(nums)
>         res.append(nums[0])
>         print(res)
>         ct[nums[0]] += 1
>         if ct[nums[0]] == 4:
>             print( 'Removing', nums[0],nums )
>             nums = nums[1:]
>             print('leaving', nums )
>     print()
>     print('numbers left',sorted(nums))
>     print('result',res)
>     print('number used of each',ct)
> ####################################
> The problem seems to be a difference between printing and calculation speed
> but maybe not.

I don't think so, you don't have any parallel operations
going on so it just waits for each print or calculation
to happen before moving on.

> The bad output has incomplete lines as well as missing sections.

It would help if you actually showed us some bad output. Your
description is a little vague!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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