[Tutor] System architecture

ThreeBlindQuarks threesomequarks at proton.me
Mon Dec 25 14:42:43 EST 2023


That is a fairly broad question and many of the concepts transcend the particular programming language to be used.

We can assume you intend to use python for much of whatever the project is and indeed there are considerations that work well in python to modularize your code so you can plan out at various levels.

I assume someone else may point you at various books and resources or maybe you can search and find things like this:


Too much depends on your project and what you are looking for and how much time and effort you want to do.

Many projects have a slew of planning and documents along the lines of architecture and systems engineering but before you start, you need to examine some of the rules that may apply in your case.

For example, can you use public domain software in your project or perhaps pay to license the use of decent quality parts or development environments.

And are you looking to use python with a focus on objects or functions or other things it does well, is the program interactive, how important is speed, do parts run asynchronously and so on.

I have seen projects effectively killed because the designer was not allowed to use software that did not address various security concerns or  ended up requiring lots of payments or was violating some rules of use in a product by using open software.

Some here suggest this group does better at being asked focused questions along with some indications such as error messages. You seem at a much earlier stage. Nonetheless, as Alan might say, it is a topic that may be of interest to many.

Larger projects tend to get complex enough that some planning in advance can be very helpful and keep you from constantly changing the requirements as you go along and run into snags.

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On Sunday, December 24th, 2023 at 1:22 PM, Lilia Georgieva <lggeorgieva at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> What are good resources for system architecture? I struggle with more
> complex designs and would like to learn more about how to approach the
> design.
> My case study is big data processing but I am really asking about pointers
> to the generic approach.
> Thank you!
> Lilia
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