[Tutor] List groups (was: What exactly does "await" do?)
threesomequarks at proton.me
Sun Feb 19 13:12:11 EST 2023
Alan has made clear what he expects from this forum so I accept that.
He and I were likely talking about the people who come to this mailing list for help of some sort and those may fit into several categories.
You bring up the other component, of people who are here to help, including some who expect to learn more in the process. I too fit into that category and often a discussion here leads me to explore aspects I have not heard of or only vaguely knew a little about and at times was wrong in my understanding.
I note that there also some opportunity for relative beginners to chime in and help each other. There are no assigned roles.
The danger I see is what happens if the tutors start off on a discussion that is not really meant to help those wanting help and end up having meta-discussions amongst themselves. The discussion often can be interesting and for some quite worthy, and I often am personally interested. I was just wondering if after a while, the discussion wanders off and is now continuing in a place it is not so welcome or useful. Alan presumably will now tell us when it is.
I come across many topics that I might share with others inclined the same way, often discussions across programming languages. But I think my role here is not to raise such topics except insofar as when someone asks and it is somewhat relevant to a reply. The need is often to have people learn how to solve problems in ways that relate to what they learn in class or even using an older version of Python, so some advice on nifty exotic ways may be a tad off target.
I see Alphonsus has provided more info on the original question, as requested. This may allow more focused answers that are helpful and not as abstract.
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------- Original Message -------
On Sunday, February 19th, 2023 at 8:50 AM, Leam Hall <leamhall at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/18/23 19:36, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> > 1) Beginners to programming in general, including the Python
> > language(the majority of users)
> >
> > 2) Experienced programmers moving to Python as a new language.
> I would suggest that there is a third group; people who have learned some Python (often from this list) and who wish to learn more by helping others. Wiser people than I say that "we never learn so much, as when we teach."
> For us, it is a joy to be able to give back to the community, since we have been given so much. Hopefully, if we give advice that could be improved upon, that smart people will politely point that out. :)
> Leam
> --
> Automation Engineer (reuel.net/resume)
> Scribe: The Domici War (domiciwar.net)
> General Ne'er-do-well (github.com/LeamHall)
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