From mhysnm1964 at  Sun Jan  1 00:41:50 2023
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2023 16:41:50 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] finding common words using set.
Message-ID: <000901d91da3$c0dc5440$4294fcc0$@GMAIL.COM>




I have created a function to find the common words within a list of strings.
I never get any results back of the common words and cannot understand why.
This is the first time I have delt with the set data methods and are trying
to understand how to use them.


def find_common_words(strings):

    # Split the strings into lists of words

    word_lists = [s.split() for s in strings]

    # Find the intersection of the sets of words

    common_words = set(word_lists[0]).intersection(*word_lists[1:])

    # Join the common words into a single string

    return ' '.join(common_words)


strings = ['apple orange banana', 'orange banana grape', 'banana mango']

common_words = find_common_words(strings)




Should return banana orange and I get a null string. Any ideas why? 



From cs at  Sun Jan  1 03:56:45 2023
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2023 19:56:45 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] finding common words using set.
In-Reply-To: <000901d91da3$c0dc5440$4294fcc0$@GMAIL.COM>
References: <000901d91da3$c0dc5440$4294fcc0$@GMAIL.COM>
Message-ID: <>

On 01Jan2023 16:41, mhysnm1964 at <mhysnm1964 at> wrote:
>I have created a function to find the common words within a list of 
>I never get any results back of the common words and cannot understand why.
>This is the first time I have delt with the set data methods and are trying
>to understand how to use them.
>def find_common_words(strings):
>    # Split the strings into lists of words
>    word_lists = [s.split() for s in strings]
>    # Find the intersection of the sets of words
>    common_words = set(word_lists[0]).intersection(*word_lists[1:])
>    # Join the common words into a single string
>    return ' '.join(common_words)
>strings = ['apple orange banana', 'orange banana grape', 'banana mango']
>common_words = find_common_words(strings)
>Should return banana orange and I get a null string. Any ideas why?

When I run it I get "banana", as it is the only word in all three 
strings. I'm using this code:

     def find_common_words(strings):
         print("strings =", strings)
         # Split the strings into lists of words
         word_lists = [s.split() for s in strings]
         print("word_lists =", word_lists)
         # Find the intersection of the sets of words
         common_words = set(word_lists[0]).intersection(*word_lists[1:])
         print("common_words =", common_words)
         # Join the common words into a single string
         return ' '.join(common_words)

         ['apple orange banana', 'orange banana grape', 'banana mango']

which is just your code with some print() calls to see what's going on.

The print() calls should show you where things are going wrong, but your 
code seems correct to me and seems to work here.

     strings = ['apple orange banana', 'orange banana grape', 'banana mango']
     word_lists = [['apple', 'orange', 'banana'], ['orange', 'banana', 'grape'], ['banana', 'mango']]
     common_words = {'banana'}

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From alan.gauld at  Sun Jan  1 04:08:04 2023
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2023 09:08:04 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] finding common words using set.
In-Reply-To: <000901d91da3$c0dc5440$4294fcc0$@GMAIL.COM>
References: <000901d91da3$c0dc5440$4294fcc0$@GMAIL.COM>
Message-ID: <torihk$b0q$>

On 01/01/2023 05:41, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I have created a function to find the common words within a list of strings.
> I never get any results back of the common words and cannot understand why.

> def find_common_words(strings):
>     # Split the strings into lists of words
>      word_lists = [s.split() for s in strings]

>     # Find the intersection of the sets of words
>     common_words = set(word_lists[0]).intersection(*word_lists[1:])

This should find the common elements across all 3 lists.
But there is only one common word: banana. (orange is
only common to two lists not all three)

>     # Join the common words into a single string
>     return ' '.join(common_words)
> strings = ['apple orange banana', 'orange banana grape', 'banana mango']
> common_words = find_common_words(strings)
> print(common_words)

> Should return banana orange and I get a null string. Any ideas why?

And this works for me. Are you sure you posted the exact code you ran?
Also did you insert print statements after each assignment to check the
results were what you expected? Or try it at the >>>. Here is my session:

>>> strs = ['one two three', 'two three four', 'one three five']
>>> wl = [s.split() for s in strs]
>>> wl
[['one', 'two', 'three'], ['two', 'three', 'four'], ['one', 'three',
>>> set(wl[0])
{'two', 'one', 'three'}
>>> set(wl[0]).intersection(*wl[1:])
>>> res = set(wl[0]).intersection(*wl[1:])
>>> ' '.join(res)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From seraph776 at  Sun Jan  1 15:51:53 2023
From: seraph776 at (seraph)
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2023 15:51:53 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] finding common words using set
Message-ID: <>

When I ran your code, it returned *banana. *You mentioned it should
return "*banana
and orange*." However, based on the example that you provided, it should
only return *banana*.

strings = ['apple orange banana', 'orange banana grape', 'banana mango']

The common word in these 3 groups is *banana *- not *banana & orange*.

I hope this helps!


From threesomequarks at  Sun Jan  1 23:52:31 2023
From: threesomequarks at (ThreeBlindQuarks)
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2023 04:52:31 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] finding common words using set
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I also see the code as working, albeit to test it better, change the strings to contain two common elements like so.

The code did not really use sets as intended in that it gave intersection() a list of words rather than a set but that seems like something the function is designed to handle. It does have a bit of a flaw in assuming there are at least TWO strings in the initial list. Here is a version to try that works fine if you give it an empty list, just one item in a list, or any number of items.

It is in a sense shorter and more general and possibly slower and will be explained below using a new function name of find_common_words_all:

def find_common_words_all(strings):
    """ given a list of strings containing with 0 or more strings,
        returns a single string containing the words contained in every
        string as a space separated single string. """
    # convert the list of strings to a list of sets containing 
    # the unique words in each.
    word_lists = [set(s.split()) for s in strings]

    # Get the union of all the words and intersect that with ALL
    # the sets in the list including the first. The result is converted
    # to a single string containing the space separated words 
    # in some order. Might be useful to sort them.
    return(' '.join(set().union(*word_lists).intersection(*word_lists)))

The first non-comment line is similar to what was shown except it makes them all sets.

The second line is a bit convoluted as it first constructs the union of all the sets by taking the union of an empty set with all the others. 

Then it invokes the intersection method on this maximal set using all the smaller sets and that is fed as an argument to a method for a string with a single space in it to ask the results to be joined into one string with that spacing between the items. All that is provided to be returned.

I find it useful to return things like that sorted or in a predictable order. So here is a second version that adds a few steps to make the set into a list and sort it before the parts are recombined:

def find_common_words_all_sorted(strings):
    """ given a list of strings containing with 0 or more strings,
        returns a single string containing the words contained in every
        string as a space separated single string. """
    # convert the list of strings to a list of sets containing 
    # the unique words in each.
    word_lists = [set(s.split()) for s in strings]

    # Get the union of all the words and intersect that with ALL
    # the sets in the list including the first. The result is converted
    # to a single string containing the space separated words 
    # in some order. Results are sorted.
    return(' '.join(sorted(list(set().

Here is the result for various inputs starting with an empty list which returns an empty string, a list with one string that returns the items sorted, one with two strings containing the same items in different orders and so on to three or four including some with no intersection. It seems robust. And, yes, it can be written in many smaller steps. As far as I know, this does not break any of the requirements but I can be corrected.


find_common_words_all_sorted(['a n d'])
'a d n'

find_common_words_all_sorted(['a n d', 'd n a'])
'a d n'

find_common_words_all_sorted(['a n d', 'r n a'])
'a n'

find_common_words_all_sorted(['a n d', 'r n a', 'a b c'])

find_common_words_all_sorted(['a n d', 'r n a', 'a b c', ' x y z'])


Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

------- Original Message -------
On Sunday, January 1st, 2023 at 3:51 PM, seraph <seraph776 at> wrote:

> When I ran your code, it returned *banana. *You mentioned it should
> return "banana
> and orange." However, based on the example that you provided, it should
> only return banana.
> strings = ['apple orange banana', 'orange banana grape', 'banana mango']
> The common word in these 3 groups is *banana *- not banana & orange.
> I hope this helps!
> Seraph
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist - Tutor at
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From paulf at  Thu Jan 12 02:02:49 2023
From: paulf at (paulf at
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2023 02:02:49 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Arrow keys in subwindows
Message-ID: <20230112020249.29cb41b0@yosemite.mars.lan>


I can't seem to get the arrow keys (KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT) to work in
subwindows. I'm running Debian Linux with version 3.10.9 of Python.
When I run my code using stdscr, arrow keys work just fine. I do a
a key = stdscr.getch(), it registers the keys. But when I use a
subwindow (key = mysubwin.getch()), they don't register. No exception
dumped, but the arrow keys just don't register.

Has anyone else seen this behavior, and can you explain it?


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jan 12 08:34:18 2023
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2023 13:34:18 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Arrow keys in subwindows
In-Reply-To: <20230112020249.29cb41b0@yosemite.mars.lan>
References: <20230112020249.29cb41b0@yosemite.mars.lan>
Message-ID: <tpp28q$kt2$>

On 12/01/2023 07:02, paulf at wrote:
> I can't seem to get the arrow keys (KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT) to work in
> subwindows. I'm running Debian Linux with version 3.10.9 of Python.
> When I run my code using stdscr, arrow keys work just fine. I do a
> a key = stdscr.getch(), it registers the keys. But when I use a
> subwindow (key = mysubwin.getch()), they don't register. No exception
> dumped, but the arrow keys just don't register.

Just to clarify, this means you are using the curses library.

Its always useful if you can post some real code that shows
the problem in action, otherwise we are debugging blind.

> Has anyone else seen this behavior, and can you explain it?

I'm guessing that you initialise the main screen using the
standard initscr() settings? And you used keypad() to
enable the function keys.

But when you create subwindows they have to be initialised
separately and explicitly. So you need to call keypad() for
each window where you want to read a function key (or mouse

That's my best guess based on the minimal information available.

<Shameless plug>
I have a book on programming curses with Python available
on Amazon for a minimal price, both kindle and paper vesions.

</Shameless plug>

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From learn2program at  Thu Jan 12 17:53:44 2023
From: learn2program at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2023 22:53:44 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Arrow keys in subwindows
In-Reply-To: <20230112111734.49900cc6@yosemite.mars.lan>
References: <20230112020249.29cb41b0@yosemite.mars.lan>
 <tpp28q$kt2$> <20230112111734.49900cc6@yosemite.mars.lan>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/01/2023 16:17, paulf at wrote:

> I called stdscr.keypad(True), and then, within a class method,
> called mwin = stdscr.subwin(...), and then mwin.keypad(True). 

That should work.

> with it, and somehow it now worked. So, problem solved for now.

Glad to hear it, althugh its always nice to know why! :-)

>> <Shameless plug>
>> I have a book on programming curses with Python available
> Actually, I have your ebook.

In that case, thanks. I hope it proves helpful.
The info on the function keys and keypad() is
in the chapter on the Keyboard...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From paulf at  Thu Jan 12 11:17:34 2023
From: paulf at (paulf at
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2023 11:17:34 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Arrow keys in subwindows
In-Reply-To: <tpp28q$kt2$>
References: <20230112020249.29cb41b0@yosemite.mars.lan>
Message-ID: <20230112111734.49900cc6@yosemite.mars.lan>

On Thu, 12 Jan 2023 13:34:18 +0000
Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:

> On 12/01/2023 07:02, paulf at wrote:
> > I can't seem to get the arrow keys (KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT) to work in
> > subwindows. I'm running Debian Linux with version 3.10.9 of Python.
> > When I run my code using stdscr, arrow keys work just fine. I do a
> > a key = stdscr.getch(), it registers the keys. But when I use a
> > subwindow (key = mysubwin.getch()), they don't register. No
> > exception dumped, but the arrow keys just don't register.
> Just to clarify, this means you are using the curses library.

Yes. At the top: "import curses".

> Its always useful if you can post some real code that shows
> the problem in action, otherwise we are debugging blind.

I thought about that, but it's a fair bit of code. However, I'll keep
this in mind for the future.

> > Has anyone else seen this behavior, and can you explain it?
> I'm guessing that you initialise the main screen using the
> standard initscr() settings? And you used keypad() to
> enable the function keys.

I called stdscr.keypad(True), and then, within a class method,
called mwin = stdscr.subwin(...), and then mwin.keypad(True). And it
didn't work, as described above (no arrow keys). So I grabbed the part
of the code relevant to this, and put it in a separate file, and
massaged it. That worked. Going back to the original code, I fiddled
with it, and somehow it now worked. So, problem solved for now.

For what it's worth, I wrote a whole bunch of curses test code in C
years ago-- testing colors, menus, forms, etc. Worked fine. But it's
probably been 19 years since then, and Python curses is just enough
different (with OOP and such) that it's mildly difficult.

> <Shameless plug>
> I have a book on programming curses with Python available
> on Amazon for a minimal price, both kindle and paper vesions.
> </Shameless plug>

Actually, I have your ebook. (Might buy the paperback too; I like
physical media.) I'm only on the first chapter, though. I put a
different question on the Debian list, and someone suggested your book
and this list. So here I am.



Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

From paulf at  Thu Jan 12 21:37:21 2023
From: paulf at (paulf at
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2023 21:37:21 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Arrow keys in subwindows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20230112020249.29cb41b0@yosemite.mars.lan>
Message-ID: <20230112213721.3ba95294@yosemite.mars.lan>

On Thu, 12 Jan 2023 22:53:44 +0000
Alan Gauld <learn2program at> wrote:

> On 12/01/2023 16:17, paulf at wrote:
> > I called stdscr.keypad(True), and then, within a class method,
> > called mwin = stdscr.subwin(...), and then mwin.keypad(True). 
> That should work.
> > with it, and somehow it now worked. So, problem solved for now.
> Glad to hear it, althugh its always nice to know why! :-)

Actually, I think I found it. In one case, I was using getkey(), and in
another, getch(). In some cases, like fetching single letters, getkey()
worked fine. But for arrow keys and others, not. OTOH, getch() worked
fine in all cases, as long as you put the result through ord(), or
checked for KEY_LEFT, etc.. I had no idea I had used different methods
in different places.

Probably would have been good if I'd included the code in my email. ;-)


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

From cs at  Fri Jan 13 16:51:40 2023
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 08:51:40 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Arrow keys in subwindows
In-Reply-To: <20230112213721.3ba95294@yosemite.mars.lan>
References: <20230112213721.3ba95294@yosemite.mars.lan>
Message-ID: <>

On 12Jan2023 21:37, paulf at <paulf at> wrote:
>Actually, I think I found it. In one case, I was using getkey(), and in
>another, getch(). In some cases, like fetching single letters, getkey()
>worked fine. But for arrow keys and others, not. OTOH, getch() worked
>fine in all cases, as long as you put the result through ord(), or
>checked for KEY_LEFT, etc.. I had no idea I had used different methods
>in different places.

getch() and getkey() are supposed to do the same thing, except that 
getch() returns an int designating the key, and getkey() returns a 
string, which is a single character string for basic characters and a 
multicharacter string containing the key name for things like function 
keys and arrow keys.

So you get some number>255 for the left arrow from getch() and the 
_string_ "KEY_LEFT" from getkey(). On my system here, curses.KEY_LEFT is 

However, note that if you're comparing things, comparing an int to a 
string is permitted, it will just always be false. So I suspect you were 
comparing a string from getkey() with an int (because curses.KEY_LEFT is 
an int). And not matching.

Using ord() is a mistake for multicharacter strings, but at least it 
will raise an exception so that mistake should show up for an arrow key.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From PythonList at  Sun Jan 15 18:22:02 2023
From: PythonList at (dn)
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 12:22:02 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] First meeting of 2023
Message-ID: <>

The Auckland Branch of the New Zealand Python Users' Group's first 
gathering of the new year!

We're looking forward to meeting-up (virtually) on Wednesday, 1800 for 
1830 NZST (0500/0530 UTC).

The topic is "What would you like to do?" - both in the context of what 
would you like to do at the meeting AND planning what you'd like the PUG 
to achieve during the coming year.

Please come along with ideas and questions. We're interested in your 
feedback of what has been successful in the past, and ideas for future 
activities and our group direction.

It will also be a great opportunity to raise discussion points around 
your recent projects...

Please RSVP at

Other NZPUG meetings scheduled:

-    Thu 19 Jan: Wellington, (in-person only) Danny Adair: how to write 
a browser plugin in Python 
-    Wed 1 Feb: Auckland, Coding Evening: topic TBA 
-    Tue 7 Feb: Christchurch, first meeting of the year. 

NB the stated days may be one-day 'ahead' if you live in a time-zone 
west of the Atlantic Ocean!

Regards =dn (for Pete and DJ)

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
Groups "New Zealand Python User Group" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
an email to nzpug+unsubscribe at
To view this discussion on the web visit


From lourenton07 at  Fri Jan 20 13:37:41 2023
From: lourenton07 at (louis renton)
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 13:37:41 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
Message-ID: <>

i'm a more hands on learner what are best and most efficient ways to learn
to code

From alan.gauld at  Sat Jan 21 04:01:01 2023
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2023 09:01:01 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sent from my iPad

> On 21 Jan 2023, at 01:52, louis renton <lourenton07 at> wrote:
> ?i'm a more hands on learner what are best and most efficient ways to learn
> to code

It is hard to imagine any kind of programming tutorial that was not hands on. The key to learning to program is to write code, lots of it. Then modify it. And again. Observe the results. There are plenty of things you need to read about too, especially in terms of good practice and style but ultimately you can only learn to code by writing code.

So basically pick one of the many tutorials available, read it and type the examples out(don?t just cut n paste!) then modify them and see if they do what you expect. If you don?t understand something then come back here and ask questions. Have fun.

Alan g.
On vacation?

From paulf at  Fri Jan 20 21:10:30 2023
From: paulf at (paulf at
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 21:10:30 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20230120211030.0b50760e@yosemite.mars.lan>

On Fri, 20 Jan 2023 13:37:41 -0500
louis renton <lourenton07 at> wrote:

> i'm a more hands on learner what are best and most efficient ways to
> learn to code

As a self-taught coder who started in 1974 coding mainframe BASIC, then
Pascal, then C, then loads more, you figure out something (simple) you
want to do, grab a reference on the language, and start coding. Code
iteratively. That is, do a little, then gradually raise the complexity.
Test after every iteration. If something breaks, find out why and fix
it. As you continue, your confidence and familiarity will build from
your successes. What you start out with is immaterial. Calculate
interest amounts, generate prime numbers, whatever.

It also helps to fetch some simple programs and examine the way they do

A good and simple reference is important. Matter of fact, I've found
Google to be invaluable. If you can't find it in your reference easily,
Google it, and you'll find explanations and simple code examples. I'm
relatively new to Python, and that's how I've done it. Also, there is a
good reference for Python and its libraries on line. Look for it.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

From PythonList at  Sat Jan 21 20:43:27 2023
From: PythonList at (dn)
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 14:43:27 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <20230120211030.0b50760e@yosemite.mars.lan>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21/01/2023 15.10, paulf at wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jan 2023 13:37:41 -0500
> louis renton <lourenton07 at> wrote:
>> i'm a more hands on learner what are best and most efficient ways to
>> learn to code
> As a self-taught coder who started in 1974 coding mainframe BASIC, then
> Pascal, then C, then loads more, you figure out something (simple) you
> want to do, grab a reference on the language, and start coding. Code
> iteratively. That is, do a little, then gradually raise the complexity.
> Test after every iteration. If something breaks, find out why and fix
> it. As you continue, your confidence and familiarity will build from
> your successes. What you start out with is immaterial. Calculate
> interest amounts, generate prime numbers, whatever.
> It also helps to fetch some simple programs and examine the way they do
> it.
> A good and simple reference is important. Matter of fact, I've found
> Google to be invaluable. If you can't find it in your reference easily,
> Google it, and you'll find explanations and simple code examples. I'm
> relatively new to Python, and that's how I've done it. Also, there is a
> good reference for Python and its libraries on line. Look for it.

Google is NOT a reference. What you will find listed is a collection of 
web-pages. Whether they are accurate or otherwise good or bad is open to 
question! See also: copying code from StackOverflow.

The 'hit or miss' approach to learning does APPEAR to work for some 
people. It may better fit hobbyists than trainee-professionals.

Whether an employer will be impressed is equally open to question. Some 
do look at project-portfolios. Do few?many?most job-adverts mention 

A formal curriculum such as an on-line course or even a text-book has 
been designed to introduce topics in manageable chunks, to build upon 
existing knowledge, and thus to show how 'it all' hangs-together.


From paulf at  Sat Jan 21 21:05:06 2023
From: paulf at (paulf at
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2023 21:05:06 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20230121210506.64e31bb9@yosemite.mars.lan>

On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 14:43:27 +1300
dn via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:


> > 
> > A good and simple reference is important. Matter of fact, I've found
> > Google to be invaluable. If you can't find it in your reference
> > easily, Google it, and you'll find explanations and simple code
> > examples. I'm relatively new to Python, and that's how I've done
> > it. Also, there is a good reference for Python and its libraries on
> > line. Look for it.
> Google is NOT a reference. What you will find listed is a collection
> of web-pages. Whether they are accurate or otherwise good or bad is
> open to question! See also: copying code from StackOverflow.

Opinions apparently vary. I've found tons of useful explanations and
working code from Google and Stackoverflow. "How to fetch a string from
the user in Python" on Google yields useful help. Obviously, you have
to copy or mimic and test to make sure stuff works.

> A formal curriculum such as an on-line course or even a text-book has 
> been designed to introduce topics in manageable chunks, to build upon 
> existing knowledge, and thus to show how 'it all' hangs-together.

Doubtless a formal course of study is useful. However, my experience
with academic texts (including those from my college years) has been
less than stellar. My college calculus text was nearly unreadable, and
I did well in high school math up through analytic geometry. This is
partly why Amazon allows you a look into the book before you buy it,
because a lot of them are just garbage. I've known plenty of academics
who couldn't think their way out of a crossword puzzle.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
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From threesomequarks at  Sat Jan 21 21:56:37 2023
From: threesomequarks at (ThreeBlindQuarks)
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 02:56:37 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This is another wide-open question, Louis. You have not supplied any info to help anyone guide you.

The best and most efficient way depends on you and your background and study abilities and much more. If you want to learn as a hobby, do anything you want. If you want a job, look at ways to get some form of credit or certification or at least save some projects you can show someone as samples of your work.

People here could throw random books or online courses at you to choose from but many may not be relevant. I am currently reading a book on Fluent Python but although I am enjoying the book, it is not suitable for teaching basic python nor intended to. It assumes, correctly, that a person has a computer background and already can program decently and wants to learn more. Having read dozens of books on Python and written programs, it fits my wants and needs but not of lots of others.

You need to figure out for yourself what works and I would start with free resources available to you ranging from Library textbooks which may be a tad dated but reasonable for a beginner, many on-line tutorials and even classes such as at COURSERA. I would not start by paying thousands of dollars unless you had some guarantee it would lead to employment. 

And please make sure the Python you learn and use is newer, as in version 3.0 and beyond.

As has been stated, what makes something hands-on is YOU. If a course provides examples and assignments, you need to do them. Luckily, python is mainly interpreted and can offer immediate feedback and allow you to play with alternatives and get a good feel how it works. But it takes some getting used to as little details like indentation matter. So a good editing environment that knows about how Python formats code is a big plus.

A tip, if you have programmed before but not in python, is to drop many of the earlier ideas and be open to the way Python programmers think and use the language. If you have no background, you need a much more basic course or textbook.


Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

------- Original Message -------
On Friday, January 20th, 2023 at 1:37 PM, louis renton <lourenton07 at> wrote:

> i'm a more hands on learner what are best and most efficient ways to learn
> to code
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist - Tutor at
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From leamhall at  Sun Jan 22 07:48:03 2023
From: leamhall at (Leam Hall)
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 06:48:03 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <20230121210506.64e31bb9@yosemite.mars.lan>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 1/21/23 20:05, paulf at wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 14:43:27 +1300
> dn via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
> [snip]
>>> A good and simple reference is important. Matter of fact, I've found
>>> Google to be invaluable. If you can't find it in your reference
>>> easily, Google it, and you'll find explanations and simple code
>>> examples. I'm relatively new to Python, and that's how I've done
>>> it. Also, there is a good reference for Python and its libraries on
>>> line. Look for it.
>> Google is NOT a reference. What you will find listed is a collection
>> of web-pages. Whether they are accurate or otherwise good or bad is
>> open to question! See also: copying code from StackOverflow.

> Opinions apparently vary. I've found tons of useful explanations and
> working code from Google and Stackoverflow. "How to fetch a string from
> the user in Python" on Google yields useful help. Obviously, you have
> to copy or mimic and test to make sure stuff works.

As have I, but I haven't actually learned a language that way. Louis was asking about how to actually learn Python, not just find code snippets.

>> A formal curriculum such as an on-line course or even a text-book has
>> been designed to introduce topics in manageable chunks, to build upon
>> existing knowledge, and thus to show how 'it all' hangs-together.
> Doubtless a formal course of study is useful. However, my experience
> with academic texts (including those from my college years) has been
> less than stellar. My college calculus text was nearly unreadable, and
> I did well in high school math up through analytic geometry. This is
> partly why Amazon allows you a look into the book before you buy it,
> because a lot of them are just garbage. I've known plenty of academics
> who couldn't think their way out of a crossword puzzle.
> Paul

Yeah, a lot of textbooks are highly priced and useless. However, I've learned multiple languages and tools with good books from O'Reilly, Manning, and even Packt. The latter needs to find better editors, but some of their books are great. Dusty Phillips' book on Python 3 OOP, for example.

I'm not as sold on formal education as dn is, but I have found a structured learning plan to be very useful. Google and Stack get you snippets, but there's more to Python that that. Given all the tech layoffs in the US, and the good publicity Python has gotten via the TIOBE index, a lot of folks are going to become "Python Developers". Hiring companies won't have good ways to sort out the cut-and-pasters from the actual students of the language, and we'll all suffer for it.

dn and his Auckland crew are working to improve the learning portion of the community, and I applaud that.


Automation Engineer        (
Scribe: The Domici War     (
General Ne'er-do-well      (

From PythonList at  Sun Jan 22 19:17:35 2023
From: PythonList at (dn)
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 13:17:35 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <20230121210506.64e31bb9@yosemite.mars.lan>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22/01/2023 15.05, paulf at wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 14:43:27 +1300
> dn via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
> [snip]
>>> A good and simple reference is important. Matter of fact, I've found
>>> Google to be invaluable. If you can't find it in your reference
>>> easily, Google it, and you'll find explanations and simple code
>>> examples. I'm relatively new to Python, and that's how I've done
>>> it. Also, there is a good reference for Python and its libraries on
>>> line. Look for it.
>> Google is NOT a reference. What you will find listed is a collection
>> of web-pages. Whether they are accurate or otherwise good or bad is
>> open to question! See also: copying code from StackOverflow.
> Opinions apparently vary. I've found tons of useful explanations and
> working code from Google and Stackoverflow. "How to fetch a string from
> the user in Python" on Google yields useful help. Obviously, you have
> to copy or mimic and test to make sure stuff works.

+1 but.........
in order to decide if it is worth copying in the first place, and later 
to "test", one first needs a basis of knowledge.

Some dispute this, saying that as long as they know where to find facts 
(Google?) why bother to learn them. However, learning is more than 
"facts". Per the OP's "hands on", it is knowing how to use what you 
know/can find-out, and actually proving that by doing-so.

Question: if needed an operation, would you prefer a graduate of 
Med.School, or someone who is picking-up brain-surgery from different 
web-sites recommended by the GOOG?

Learning to fetch a string is a great illustration of two aspects:

1 it is an isolated fact, ie input(); and being told, use:

     result = input( "prompt" )

doesn't teach much about strings or the likely constructs to do with and 
'around' the uses of input(). Thus, isolated cf cohesive leads into 
asking: "what if I want to fetch an integer?". 'Stack-Overflow Driven 
Development' requires another search. Agreed, some answers do provide 
width and depth, but others stick strictly to the narrow question. If it 
were a cohesive lesson on terminal-input (as was one of my 
coaching-sessions at the local-PUG a few months back) then it would 
cover the above, including an explanation of the word "prompt", the 
building of a loop to cover mistakes in input (eg "ten" instead of a 
number), and what is/how to handle EOD through semaphore-values or the 
use of control-keys (which vary by OpSys). Chalk and cheese!

2 having completed a structured course, few of us remember everything - 
and few courses cover 'everything'. In addition, it may be that we work 
on Python, but don't use specific facilities for a long period. So, it 
IS useful to have a reminder: 'how do I use range() but not starting 
from zero?'. This is where having your own study notes, downloading 
"cheat sheets", or using Stack-Overflow (or this Mailing List's 
Archives) can be a 'treasure trove' (of knowledge) - and all without 
disturbing one's colleagues' concentration/"flow"!

Have a look through some of my posts here. Partially because many don't 
know 'enough' to be able to frame a question without leaving-out 
necessary facts or leaving things open-ended; you will see that I 
frequently add reading references. Something to use to answer the 
question-posed, something for later, or something that is irrelevant to 
the poster's needs. Who knows? How to tell in-advance?
(same conundrum faces courseware and book-authors!)

>> A formal curriculum such as an on-line course or even a text-book has
>> been designed to introduce topics in manageable chunks, to build upon
>> existing knowledge, and thus to show how 'it all' hangs-together.
> Doubtless a formal course of study is useful. However, my experience
> with academic texts (including those from my college years) has been
> less than stellar. My college calculus text was nearly unreadable, and
> I did well in high school math up through analytic geometry. This is
> partly why Amazon allows you a look into the book before you buy it,
> because a lot of them are just garbage. I've known plenty of academics
> who couldn't think their way out of a crossword puzzle.

FWIW, I completely agree with you: some academics have no idea how to 
teach - and I had trouble with Calculus 101, too.

You'll be familiar with the old adage: "you can't judge a book by its 
cover". Your local Librarian (note the title-case, and please be aware 
that some staff in a library are "Library Assistants") will be happy to 
discuss exactly this point: how readable is this book (for my level of 
expertise in the topic); and its related consideration: how applicable 
is this book to my own intentions, eg 'Python for Network Admin' cf 
'Python for Machine Learning'.

With books, courses, etc (including YouTube 'training videos'), just as 
with so many other aspects of life, there is no such thing as a "silver 
bullet"! One of the (possibly 'the') most popular Internet courses for 
learning to program[me] is offered by a 'top' US institution, but I look 
at the antiquated training techniques they use and wonder where the last 
fifty (or more) years went? Yet, they have higher (since first offered 
to-date total) attendance (- haven't compared success/pass-rates though 
- aspects of high drop-out rates, and attempting to counter same, a 
current research effort to which @Leam alludes, elsewhere).

The yawning gulf in the above observations, is that if "academics" 
produce a range of work varying from 'impenetrable' to 'made it so 
easy', what is the equivalent success/failure measure for YouTube videos 
or web-posts? There are many 'experts' (largely self-appointed, ie no 
job application to an institution's employment panel, and with no 
editorial oversight or even a colleague's advice like a 'code review') 
who post material which seems to say far more about them than it does 
about Python (and not always in a good way, if we are judging an ability 
to impart information, use time efficiently, whilst also enthusing, etc, 

There are some which are downright wrong - and therefore damaging. There 
are some which are truly excellent.
(next proverb: sorting the wheat from the chaff!)

Knowing something, and then being able to impart such knowledge to 
others, are quite different things!

In short, we're back to the curation of material, firstly to assure 
quality, and secondly, to assemble some applicable sequence of 'chunks' 
of coverage to facilitate learning and ensure a reasonably/practically 
cohesive pattern of knowledge. Followed by an assessment of the material 
vis-a-vis one's personal needs and interests.

In the case of complete ignorance about Python, pretty much any course 
or book which 'looks good' (per above, see also @Leam's list of 
reputable publishers from his experience) is a place to start. Once the 
new-learner has picked-up built-in types, functions, loops, etc (the 
'core' of the language if you will*; (s)he is much better-equipped to 
review alternate materials - even to the point of 'dropping' the first 
and promoting him-/her-self to something heading-off in a more 
appropriate application of the language (for example).

* and the subject of another local initiative called: "The When of Python"

In the case of the OP:
- proving one's learning by challenging yourself to produce some "hands 
on" application of new-knowledge is by-far the best way to 
learn/re-inforce new-knowledge
- the phrase "learn to code" seems wider than "Python". Perhaps then, 
something which introduces computing or computer science may be more 
appropriate, eg Harvard CS50 ( which 
introduces ComSc "(Two thirds of CS50 students have never taken CS 
before.)" and in terms of programming languages introduces C, Python, 
SQL, and HTML5 with the aim of providing just-enough knowledge to 
facilitate a person's (deliberate choice of) next steps - and note how 
they list 'choices' of learning-path based upon different peoples' 
intentions and expectations!
- as far as Python is concerned, two good starting places are:
   - The (official) Python Tutorial 
( which we (list members) 
have all used (or at least scanned), right?
   - @Alan's (our ListAdmin) own course, with the added advantage of 
being able to pose any follow-up questions 'here' and hear-back (content 
warning: another old adage) "straight from the horse's mouth". (when he 
gets back from holidays/vacation)
(sorry Alan, please don't be an old nag at me...)

Harvard was one of the founding institutions for edX, since sold to 2U, 
but with the retention of (some) managerial oversight. I use the edX 
platform, but not for Python training.


From mats at  Sun Jan 22 19:31:41 2023
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 17:31:41 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 1/22/23 17:17, dn via Tutor wrote:

> +1 but.........
> in order to decide if it is worth copying in the first place, and later 
> to "test", one first needs a basis of knowledge.
> Some dispute this, saying that as long as they know where to find facts 
> (Google?) why bother to learn them. However, learning is more than 
> "facts". Per the OP's "hands on", it is knowing how to use what you 
> know/can find-out, and actually proving that by doing-so.
> Question: if needed an operation, would you prefer a graduate of 
> Med.School, or someone who is picking-up brain-surgery from different 
> web-sites recommended by the GOOG?

see all the furor about ChatGPT... some think it will make programmers 
obsolete because "AI will write your code for you, eliminating all the 
need for deep knowledge". But StackOverflow, which has its own 
detractors, bans answers generated by ChatGPT...

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Sun Jan 22 19:50:34 2023
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 00:50:34 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 at 00:35, Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:
> On 1/22/23 17:17, dn via Tutor wrote:
> > +1 but.........
> > in order to decide if it is worth copying in the first place, and later
> > to "test", one first needs a basis of knowledge.
> >
> > Some dispute this, saying that as long as they know where to find facts
> > (Google?) why bother to learn them. However, learning is more than
> > "facts". Per the OP's "hands on", it is knowing how to use what you
> > know/can find-out, and actually proving that by doing-so.
> >
> > Question: if needed an operation, would you prefer a graduate of
> > Med.School, or someone who is picking-up brain-surgery from different
> > web-sites recommended by the GOOG?
> see all the furor about ChatGPT... some think it will make programmers
> obsolete because "AI will write your code for you, eliminating all the
> need for deep knowledge". But StackOverflow, which has its own
> detractors, bans answers generated by ChatGPT...

I think StackOverflow's reasons were in part very particular to their
situation. From what I understand some people had promoted the idea
that anyone could use ChatGPT to quickly gain "reputation". Then a lot
of people blindly posted outputs from ChatGPT that were not helpful so
SO banned it. I've seen something similar here:
That usage of ChatGPT is bad but isolated (I haven't seen any other
occurrence) so not massively problematic in the way that I think it
was for SO.


From mats at  Sun Jan 22 20:02:25 2023
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 18:02:25 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 1/22/23 17:50, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 at 00:35, Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:

> I think StackOverflow's reasons were in part very particular to their
> situation. From what I understand some people had promoted the idea
> that anyone could use ChatGPT to quickly gain "reputation". Then a lot
> of people blindly posted outputs from ChatGPT that were not helpful so
> SO banned it. I've seen something similar here:
> That usage of ChatGPT is bad but isolated (I haven't seen any other
> occurrence) so not massively problematic in the way that I think it
> was for SO.

I think the situation is a little related to what was claimed earlier in 
this thread (about "googling for stuff"), which is the only reason I 
brought it up:  the answers may well be right, even of high quality. 
It's even possible that that's the case in a large majority of cases. 
But if you don't have the background to make that determination, how can 
you trust it?  There have been lots of examples as people play around 
with the AI of the system being essentially "faked out" and getting 
something pretty dramatically wrong.

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Sun Jan 22 20:35:31 2023
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 01:35:31 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 at 01:03, Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:
> On 1/22/23 17:50, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> > On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 at 00:35, Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:
> > I think StackOverflow's reasons were in part very particular to their
> > situation. From what I understand some people had promoted the idea
> > that anyone could use ChatGPT to quickly gain "reputation". Then a lot
> > of people blindly posted outputs from ChatGPT that were not helpful so
> > SO banned it. I've seen something similar here:
> >
> > That usage of ChatGPT is bad but isolated (I haven't seen any other
> > occurrence) so not massively problematic in the way that I think it
> > was for SO.
> I think the situation is a little related to what was claimed earlier in
> this thread (about "googling for stuff"), which is the only reason I
> brought it up:  the answers may well be right, even of high quality.
> It's even possible that that's the case in a large majority of cases.
> But if you don't have the background to make that determination, how can
> you trust it?  There have been lots of examples as people play around
> with the AI of the system being essentially "faked out" and getting
> something pretty dramatically wrong.

To be clear in the context of the GitHub issue I linked above the
answer was pure gibberish. I don't know what input was given to the AI
but the output was worthless or completely irrelevant (I honestly
don't understand what it is referring to). I don't understand the
thought process of the person submitting it who later admitted their
own lack of knowledge.

The danger (and this was sort of SO's concern) is that actual human
communication could become overwhelmed by these things.

The flipside is that ChatGPT can be useful for various things. I've
tested it and it can work okay and in some ways be more useful than a
basic web search but when it's wrong it will confidently assert the
wrong answer with no caveats or citations. That seems like a very
dangerous thing to put in the hands of people who don't know what
they're doing.


From cs at  Sun Jan 22 20:43:59 2023
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 12:43:59 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22Jan2023 18:02, Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:
>I think the situation is a little related to what was claimed earlier 
>in this thread (about "googling for stuff"), which is the only reason I 
>brought it up:  the answers may well be right, even of high quality.  
>It's even possible that that's the case in a large majority of cases.  
>But if you don't have the background to make that determination, how 
>can you trust it?  There have been lots of examples as people play 
>around with the AI of the system being essentially "faked out" and 
>getting something pretty dramatically wrong.

I saw (with horror and amusement) the other day, this:

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From paulf at  Sun Jan 22 22:25:15 2023
From: paulf at (paulf at
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 22:25:15 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20230122222515.76a12afc@yosemite.mars.lan>

On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 13:17:35 +1300
dn via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:

> On 22/01/2023 15.05, paulf at wrote:
> > On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 14:43:27 +1300
> > dn via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
> > 
> > [snip]

No particular disagreement.

When I was a kid, I was endlessly curious. I spent hours at the
library. How do lasers work? What's the chemical composition of
vinegar? How does a car engine operate? I once called a gun shop to
find out what "caliber" really meant, because all the definitions I
could find were so vague.

In 1974, I got access to the school district's mainframe via an
acoustic modem and teletype. I had the idea I'd like to make some
programs, so I searched for what languages the computer knew. They had
BASIC, which sounded like a good idea. I bought a book called "Basic
Basic", and used it as a reference. What if I wanted to calculate how
much a loan would cost at the end of the loan's term? How do you do
math in BASIC? Blah blah blah. 

When I went to college, I asked around about what computer facilities
their were. Unless you were a grad student, you had to punch cards and
submit them to the crew at the comp center. Wait three days. Get back a
printout of how you failed. I was used to near instantaneous, real time
interaction with a computer. And now they wanted me to punch cards and
wait days? Forget it. I never took a computer course. (Mea culpa. This
was actually a bad decision. Had I started taking computer courses, I
might have ended up with a computer science degree instead.)

Then in about 1985 I bought my own desktop computer, and
cast about for a way to make programs (I was actually an electrician at
the time). I found this book/reference/compiler for a language called
Pascal (Borland's Turbo Pascal). I thought of a thing I'd like to make,
and I tried this, consulted the manual, refined it, etc. I wrote quite
a few useful programs. My roommate liked to gamble in Vegas, and I
wrote a program for him to practice blackjack with.

But Pascal was a teaching language. I wanted a "real" programming
language. I looked around and found C. Then I bought "The C Programming
Language", the best language reference I've ever read. I wrote all
kinds of programs in C, and was very comfortable with it. Still am.

Somewhere in the 90s, I got a job coding FoxPro, which I did for a few
years. Then I purchased a company and proceeded to write hundreds of
thousands of lines of PHP code to run the internal infrastructure for
the business-- payroll, AP, AR, customer relations, statistics, job
tracking, etc.

I've found learning most subjects far faster and more effective
when I tackle it on my own. The only exception would be mathematics.
That's me. There are others who simply can't do it without some
structured class time. And yes, employers foolishly consider a degree
more important than thousands of hours of real world experience. They
also consider MCSCs superior to years of working with Linux. But I can
tell you most Linux folks know more about networking than MCSCs ever
will, at least back when I started using Linux. I'm not even a network
admin, but I know more than most of the guys from my ISP who visit me
to fix or replace my modems and routers.

If you're one of those classroom folks, find a community college or an
online resource, like some of those "dn" mentioned. The OP didn't sound
like that type, so I advised him to do what I would do (and have done).

If you need to get a job in programming, then by all means get a
degree. You may not be able to program very well at the end (I can't
say), but you'll be able to get a programming job (hopefully).

It's also worth noting that just because someone hasn't done a full
course of study in a language, that doesn't mean their code isn't good.
Microsoft Windows is full of code written by guys with degrees in CS
and courses in programming. But when I worked for a Microsoft shop back
in the 90s, we had to wipe and reinstall every six months, because
Windows took about that long to self destruct.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

From paulf at  Sun Jan 22 22:39:18 2023
From: paulf at (paulf at
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 22:39:18 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20230122223918.0e81d683@yosemite.mars.lan>

On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 17:31:41 -0700
Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:

> see all the furor about ChatGPT... some think it will make
> programmers obsolete because "AI will write your code for you,
> eliminating all the need for deep knowledge". But StackOverflow,
> which has its own detractors, bans answers generated by ChatGPT...

Something more alarming came across my radar recently. There is
apparently some program or programs which will make musical arrangements
for people, which they can then put on records, etc. Now if you're just
some guy who wants to play around with this stuff, fair enough. The
claim was that this could replace musicians. Of course that's silly.
But the idea of some complete musical noob putting out a song and
getting paid for it is frightening. Thousands of musicians and
arrangers have spent decades honing their craft and producing
incredible songs. And some pimply faced kid can just punch up a music
AI on his computer and get paid millions for it?

Of course, considering the state of "music" today, I have to wonder if
it might not be an improvement.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

From paulf at  Sun Jan 22 22:29:54 2023
From: paulf at (paulf at
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 22:29:54 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20230122222954.75d7c7ef@yosemite.mars.lan>

On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 17:31:41 -0700
Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:


> see all the furor about ChatGPT... some think it will make
> programmers obsolete because "AI will write your code for you,
> eliminating all the need for deep knowledge". But StackOverflow,
> which has its own detractors, bans answers generated by ChatGPT...

I love claims like that. Back in the day, drum machines were going to
replace drummers. And CDs would replace vinyl. Neither happened. Yes,
drum machines are more common today. Yes, there are more CDs printed
than vinyl records. But drummers and vinyl records are still around.

I'm sure ChatGPT can produce working, maybe even optimized code. But
there will still be programmers as long as there are computers.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

From threesomequarks at  Sun Jan 22 21:22:44 2023
From: threesomequarks at (ThreeBlindQuarks)
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 02:22:44 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] louis renton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

After reading several messages here that suggest that not liking Calculus 101 is a required pre-requisite for learning Python, I must bow out of this conversation. 

Actually, my college did not use that numbering scheme and my calculus courses were called 3.2, 4.2, 5.2 and 10.1 and in later schools my courses tended to be at least 500 level, so I cannot say I liked, or disliked anything labeled 101.

Now that the necessary humor has been attempted, and failed, may I ask a blindingly annoying question? Why among the many messages on the non-informative subject of "Louis Renton" have we not seen any messages from this aforementioned person who started this and has not yet replied in any way?

I personally suggest the possibility we are once again being used by some party who sits back and watches endless uneducated debate after an overly broad question for whatever reasons appeal to them. 

Another good reason for me to bow out. No need to help anyone who does not participate in the process.


Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

------- Original Message -------
On Sunday, January 22nd, 2023 at 7:17 PM, dn via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:

> On 22/01/2023 15.05, paulf at wrote:
> > On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 14:43:27 +1300
> > dn via Tutor tutor at wrote:
> > 
> > [snip]
> > 
> > > > A good and simple reference is important. Matter of fact, I've found
> > > > Google to be invaluable. If you can't find it in your reference
> > > > easily, Google it, and you'll find explanations and simple code
> > > > examples. I'm relatively new to Python, and that's how I've done
> > > > it. Also, there is a good reference for Python and its libraries on
> > > > line. Look for it.
> > > 
> > > Google is NOT a reference. What you will find listed is a collection
> > > of web-pages. Whether they are accurate or otherwise good or bad is
> > > open to question! See also: copying code from StackOverflow.
> > 
> > Opinions apparently vary. I've found tons of useful explanations and
> > working code from Google and Stackoverflow. "How to fetch a string from
> > the user in Python" on Google yields useful help. Obviously, you have
> > to copy or mimic and test to make sure stuff works.
> +1 but.........
> in order to decide if it is worth copying in the first place, and later
> to "test", one first needs a basis of knowledge.
> Some dispute this, saying that as long as they know where to find facts
> (Google?) why bother to learn them. However, learning is more than
> "facts". Per the OP's "hands on", it is knowing how to use what you
> know/can find-out, and actually proving that by doing-so.
> Question: if needed an operation, would you prefer a graduate of
> Med.School, or someone who is picking-up brain-surgery from different
> web-sites recommended by the GOOG?
> Learning to fetch a string is a great illustration of two aspects:
> 1 it is an isolated fact, ie input(); and being told, use:
> result = input( "prompt" )
> doesn't teach much about strings or the likely constructs to do with and
> 'around' the uses of input(). Thus, isolated cf cohesive leads into
> asking: "what if I want to fetch an integer?". 'Stack-Overflow Driven
> Development' requires another search. Agreed, some answers do provide
> width and depth, but others stick strictly to the narrow question. If it
> were a cohesive lesson on terminal-input (as was one of my
> coaching-sessions at the local-PUG a few months back) then it would
> cover the above, including an explanation of the word "prompt", the
> building of a loop to cover mistakes in input (eg "ten" instead of a
> number), and what is/how to handle EOD through semaphore-values or the
> use of control-keys (which vary by OpSys). Chalk and cheese!
> 2 having completed a structured course, few of us remember everything -
> and few courses cover 'everything'. In addition, it may be that we work
> on Python, but don't use specific facilities for a long period. So, it
> IS useful to have a reminder: 'how do I use range() but not starting
> from zero?'. This is where having your own study notes, downloading
> "cheat sheets", or using Stack-Overflow (or this Mailing List's
> Archives) can be a 'treasure trove' (of knowledge) - and all without
> disturbing one's colleagues' concentration/"flow"!
> Have a look through some of my posts here. Partially because many don't
> know 'enough' to be able to frame a question without leaving-out
> necessary facts or leaving things open-ended; you will see that I
> frequently add reading references. Something to use to answer the
> question-posed, something for later, or something that is irrelevant to
> the poster's needs. Who knows? How to tell in-advance?
> (same conundrum faces courseware and book-authors!)
> > > A formal curriculum such as an on-line course or even a text-book has
> > > been designed to introduce topics in manageable chunks, to build upon
> > > existing knowledge, and thus to show how 'it all' hangs-together.
> > 
> > Doubtless a formal course of study is useful. However, my experience
> > with academic texts (including those from my college years) has been
> > less than stellar. My college calculus text was nearly unreadable, and
> > I did well in high school math up through analytic geometry. This is
> > partly why Amazon allows you a look into the book before you buy it,
> > because a lot of them are just garbage. I've known plenty of academics
> > who couldn't think their way out of a crossword puzzle.
> +1
> FWIW, I completely agree with you: some academics have no idea how to
> teach - and I had trouble with Calculus 101, too.
> You'll be familiar with the old adage: "you can't judge a book by its
> cover". Your local Librarian (note the title-case, and please be aware
> that some staff in a library are "Library Assistants") will be happy to
> discuss exactly this point: how readable is this book (for my level of
> expertise in the topic); and its related consideration: how applicable
> is this book to my own intentions, eg 'Python for Network Admin' cf
> 'Python for Machine Learning'.
> With books, courses, etc (including YouTube 'training videos'), just as
> with so many other aspects of life, there is no such thing as a "silver
> bullet"! One of the (possibly 'the') most popular Internet courses for
> learning to program[me] is offered by a 'top' US institution, but I look
> at the antiquated training techniques they use and wonder where the last
> fifty (or more) years went? Yet, they have higher (since first offered
> to-date total) attendance (- haven't compared success/pass-rates though
> - aspects of high drop-out rates, and attempting to counter same, a
> current research effort to which @Leam alludes, elsewhere).
> The yawning gulf in the above observations, is that if "academics"
> produce a range of work varying from 'impenetrable' to 'made it so
> easy', what is the equivalent success/failure measure for YouTube videos
> or web-posts? There are many 'experts' (largely self-appointed, ie no
> job application to an institution's employment panel, and with no
> editorial oversight or even a colleague's advice like a 'code review')
> who post material which seems to say far more about them than it does
> about Python (and not always in a good way, if we are judging an ability
> to impart information, use time efficiently, whilst also enthusing, etc,
> etc).
> There are some which are downright wrong - and therefore damaging. There
> are some which are truly excellent.
> (next proverb: sorting the wheat from the chaff!)
> Knowing something, and then being able to impart such knowledge to
> others, are quite different things!
> In short, we're back to the curation of material, firstly to assure
> quality, and secondly, to assemble some applicable sequence of 'chunks'
> of coverage to facilitate learning and ensure a reasonably/practically
> cohesive pattern of knowledge. Followed by an assessment of the material
> vis-a-vis one's personal needs and interests.
> In the case of complete ignorance about Python, pretty much any course
> or book which 'looks good' (per above, see also @Leam's list of
> reputable publishers from his experience) is a place to start. Once the
> new-learner has picked-up built-in types, functions, loops, etc (the
> 'core' of the language if you will*; (s)he is much better-equipped to
> review alternate materials - even to the point of 'dropping' the first
> and promoting him-/her-self to something heading-off in a more
> appropriate application of the language (for example).
> * and the subject of another local initiative called: "The When of Python"
> In the case of the OP:
> - proving one's learning by challenging yourself to produce some "hands
> on" application of new-knowledge is by-far the best way to
> learn/re-inforce new-knowledge
> - the phrase "learn to code" seems wider than "Python". Perhaps then,
> something which introduces computing or computer science may be more
> appropriate, eg Harvard CS50 ( which
> introduces ComSc "(Two thirds of CS50 students have never taken CS
> before.)" and in terms of programming languages introduces C, Python,
> SQL, and HTML5 with the aim of providing just-enough knowledge to
> facilitate a person's (deliberate choice of) next steps - and note how
> they list 'choices' of learning-path based upon different peoples'
> intentions and expectations!
> - as far as Python is concerned, two good starting places are:
> - The (official) Python Tutorial
> ( which we (list members)
> have all used (or at least scanned), right?
> - @Alan's (our ListAdmin) own course, with the added advantage of
> being able to pose any follow-up questions 'here' and hear-back (content
> warning: another old adage) "straight from the horse's mouth". (when he
> gets back from holidays/vacation)
> (sorry Alan, please don't be an old nag at me...)
> Disclaimer:
> Harvard was one of the founding institutions for edX, since sold to 2U,
> but with the retention of (some) managerial oversight. I use the edX
> platform, but not for Python training.
> --
> Regards,
> =dn
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist - Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From phillor9 at  Fri Jan 27 01:10:08 2023
From: phillor9 at (Phil)
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 16:10:08 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
Message-ID: <>

It's been quite some time since I've played with Tkinter and despite 
searching the Internet for most of the day I seem to have hit a dead-end.

I'm trying to put a pause within a for-loop as follows:

def my_function(self):
 ??? for i in range(5):
 ??????? do something here eg. print(i)
 ??????? self.after(1000)

Instead of printing i every second my_function is delayed for 5 seconds.

To try to get some understanding of what's required I tried this:

self.r = 31
self.after(1000, self.print_count()

def abc(self):
 ??? self.r += 1
 ??? print(self.r)

def print_count(self)
 ??? self.after(1000, self.print_count()

This prints 32 - 1025, without a one second delay, before the programme 
ends with: "RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while 
calling a Python object".

Although I haven't tried it I suspect that if I used a label to display 
the count rather than a print statement then I might not see a recursion 

I probably should try that before posting this but I've got a splitting 
headache and it hasn't helped with my original delay within a for_loop 


From phillor9 at  Fri Jan 27 01:32:12 2023
From: phillor9 at (Phil)
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 16:32:12 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Re my earlier question about after()
Message-ID: <>

I found the answer to the second part of my question, instead of 
self.after(1000, self.print_count() it should be self.after(1000, 
self.print_count). So please ignore all after how do I insert a delay 
within a for_loop.



From alan.gauld at  Fri Jan 27 05:17:52 2023
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 10:17:52 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <tr08cg$m6k$>

On 27/01/2023 06:10, Phil wrote:
> It's been quite some time since I've played with Tkinter and despite 
> searching the Internet for most of the day I seem to have hit a dead-end.
> I'm trying to put a pause within a for-loop as follows:
> def my_function(self):
>  ??? for i in range(5):
>  ??????? do something here eg. print(i)
>  ??????? self.after(1000)

It really helps if you show us working code. It need not
be your own application but just a simple model of your
code structure that exhibits the same behaviour.

In this case I assume the "functin" is actually a method
of your App or GUI or window object? (A method is not
the same as a fuction with a self parameter!)

If thats the case calling after inside a for loop is
extremely bad practice and quite likely to cause your
GUI to freeze which is a very bad user experience.

> Instead of printing i every second my_function is delayed for 5 seconds.

I'm not sure why because I don't see anything that
could be tested.

> To try to get some understanding of what's required I tried this:
> self.r = 31
> self.print_count()
> self.after(1000, self.print_count()
> def abc(self):
>  ??? self.r += 1
>  ??? print(self.r)
> def print_count(self)
>  ???
>  ??? self.after(1000, self.print_count()

That makes no sense whatsoever.
What context did you try that in? Is it inside another method?
In which case your abc() and print_count() methods only exist
inside that method?

If you defined it somewhere else what does the outer
self refer to?

> This prints 32 - 1025, without a one second delay, before the programme 
> ends with: "RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while 
> calling a Python object".

No surprise on the error because print_count calls
print_count forever. Why there is no delay may depend
on the code we can't see.

> Although I haven't tried it I suspect that if I used a label to display 
> the count rather than a print statement then I might not see a recursion 
> error.

Yes you wouyld. You never terminate the recursion so
it will keep going till it reaches the limit.

I think you should try using after() in a more conventional
split-method way rather than continue with this approach.
It is almost certain to end badly.

Here is a simple program that does what I think you want:

import tkinter as tk

count = 0

def run_loop():
    global count
    if count < 5:
       count += 1
       count = 0

def print_count(val):
    top.after(1000, run_loop)

top = tk.Tk()
F = tk.Frame(top)
B = tk.Button(F, text="DoIt", command = run_loop)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From phillor9 at  Fri Jan 27 17:55:05 2023
From: phillor9 at (Phil)
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2023 08:55:05 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <tr08cg$m6k$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27/1/23 20:17, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> If thats the case calling after inside a for loop is
> extremely bad practice and quite likely to cause your
> GUI to freeze which is a very bad user experience.

Thank you Alan for your reply and example code.

The GUI did freeze, however, at the time of posting my question I 
couldn't think of a better method. I posted a second message about half 
an hour latter after I discovered a syntax error which solved the 
recursion error (that was only test code and nothing to do with my 
project) but not the freezing GUI. The answer came to me at around 3:00 
AM and I have now removed the for-loop so the problem has been solved.

I must resist the urge to post a plea for help whenever a problem 
frustrates me.

>> To try to get some understanding of what's required I tried this:
>> self.r = 31
>> self.print_count()
>> self.after(1000, self.print_count()
>> def abc(self):
>>   ??? self.r += 1
>>   ??? print(self.r)
>> def print_count(self)
>>   ???
>>   ??? self.after(1000, self.print_count()
> That makes no sense whatsoever.

I can see why my test example code caused you to think that. As I said 
in my second posting after I removed "self.print_count()" and corrected 
self.after(1000, self.print_count()) to self.after(1000, 
self.print_count) the test worked.

Anyway, thank you again for taking the trouble to reply to my confusing 



From phillor9 at  Mon Jan 30 20:39:45 2023
From: phillor9 at (Phil)
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 11:39:45 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <tr08cg$m6k$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27/1/23 20:17, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> It really helps if you show us working code.

This brings me to another question which I really hesitate to ask.

As I said in my previous reply to this thread I have the project working 
but there is a design flaw that prevents me from making further 
enhancements plus I have used three global variables to get around a 
problem but the resulting code seems to be a bit sloppy.

The Tkinter project is 128 lines in length plus a class file of 15 lines.

Would anyone be interested is reviewing the code? There won't be any 
hard feelings and I understand completely if the answer is no.



From cs at  Mon Jan 30 20:49:53 2023
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 12:49:53 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <Y9hzwRIwSDASK2/>

On 31Jan2023 11:39, Phil <phillor9 at> wrote:
>The Tkinter project is 128 lines in length plus a class file of 15 
>Would anyone be interested is reviewing the code? There won't be any 
>hard feelings and I understand completely if the answer is no.

Feel free to post it. Can you also describe the design issue and the 
enhancement it blocks?

Usually globals are to be avoided; normally I put state in an instance 
of a class and pass the class instance around.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From phillor9 at  Tue Jan 31 00:46:54 2023
From: phillor9 at (Phil)
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 15:46:54 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <Y9hzwRIwSDASK2/>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 31/1/23 11:49, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 31Jan2023 11:39, Phil <phillor9 at> wrote:
>> The Tkinter project is 128 lines in length plus a class file of 15 
>> lines.
>> Would anyone be interested is reviewing the code? There won't be any 
>> hard feelings and I understand completely if the answer is no.
> Feel free to post it. Can you also describe the design issue and the 
> enhancement it blocks?

Thank you Cameron. The most glaring flaw is that I cannot display 
multiple dials. I can see why but I'm not sure how to fix the flaw. Even 
though it runs without error, It's starting to get overly complex.

This is the analogue dial class as it is at the moment:

class Dial:
 ??? def __init__(self, x=60, y=60, size=60):

 ??????? self.x = x? # centre of dial
 ??????? self.y = y
 ??????? self.size = size # the diameter of the dial

 ??????? self.xn = self.x + 1 # the end points of the ticks and pointer
 ??????? self.yn = self.y + 1

 ??????? self.value = 0 # the pointer's value

This shows an example of how I might use the dial class:

import tkinter as tk
import math
import dial

my_frame = None # these variables allow use where the original is out of 
my_dial = None??? # I cannot see an alternative to their use at the moment
my_canvas = None

class Root(tk.Tk):
 ??? def __init__(self):
 ??????? super().__init__()
 ??????? self.title("Canvas Template")

 ??????? self.frame = tk.Frame(self, background='cornflowerblue')
 ??????? self.frame.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=True)

 ??????? global my_frame, my_dial, my_canvas
 ??????? my_frame = self.frame

 ??????? self.canvas = tk.Canvas(
 ??????????? self.frame, relief='flat', background='lightgrey')

 ??????? self.canvas.pack(side='top', anchor='center', fill='both',
 ???????????????????????? expand=True, padx=10, pady=10)

 ??????? my_canvas = self.canvas

 ??????? self.quit_button = tk.Button(self, text="Quit", command=self.quit)
 ??????? self.quit_button.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, anchor='se', padx=10, 

 ??????? self.dial = dial.Dial(180, 160, 120)

 ??????? my_dial = self.dial

 ??????? draw_dial(self.dial, self.canvas)

 ??????? move_pointer(self.dial, self.canvas)

 ??????? loop()

def draw_dial(the_dial, canvasName):
 ??? x = the_dial.x????????? # the centre of the circle
 ??? y = the_dial.y
 ??? r = the_dial.size / 2?? # the radius of the circle

 ??? x0 = x - r
 ??? y0 = y - r
 ??? x1 = x + r
 ??? y1 = y + r

 ??? canvasName.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1)

 ??? # draw the ticks around the circle's edge
 ??? tick_length = the_dial.size / 2

 ??? for tick in range(0, 101, 10):
 ??????? theta = tick * 2.7 - 45
 ??????? theta_rad = math.radians(theta)
 ??????? yn = -int(tick_length * math.sin(theta_rad))
 ??????? xn = -int(tick_length * math.cos(theta_rad))

 ??????? canvasName.create_line(the_dial.x, the_dial.y,
 ?????????????????????????????? xn + the_dial.x, the_dial.y + yn)

 ??????? # shorten ticks
 ??????? x = the_dial.x
 ??????? y = the_dial.y
 ??????? r = the_dial.size / 2.7

 ??????? x0 = x - r
 ??????? y0 = y - r
 ??????? x1 = x + r
 ??????? y1 = y + r
 ??????? canvasName.create_oval(
 ??????????? x0, y0, x1, y1, fill='lightgrey', outline='lightgrey')

def move_pointer(the_dial, canvasName):
 ??? # this is just a test. In real use the_dial.value woule be supplied 
 ??? # a value from a serial device
 ??? pointer_length = the_dial.size * .3

 ??? # erase the pointer
 ??? drawPointer(the_dial.x, the_dial.y, the_dial.xn + the_dial.x,
 ??????????????? the_dial.y + the_dial.yn, 1, canvasName)

 ??? theta = the_dial.value * 2.7 - 45
 ??? theta_rad = math.radians(theta)
 ??? the_dial.yn = -int(pointer_length * math.sin(theta_rad))
 ??? the_dial.xn = -int(pointer_length * math.cos(theta_rad))

 ??? # draw the pointer in its new position
 ??? drawPointer(the_dial.x, the_dial.y, the_dial.xn + the_dial.x,
 ??????????????? the_dial.y + the_dial.yn, 0, canvasName)

 ??? # draw dial centre
 ??? x = the_dial.x
 ??? y = the_dial.y
 ??? r = 4
 ??? x0 = x - r
 ??? y0 = y - r
 ??? x1 = x + r
 ??? y1 = y + r
 ??? canvasName.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill='black')

def drawPointer(x_centre, y_centre, x_end, y_end, fill, canvasName):
 ??? if fill == 1:
 ??????? colour = 'lightgrey'
 ??? else:
 ??????? colour = 'black'
 ??? canvasName.create_line(
 ??????? x_centre, y_centre, x_end, y_end, fill=colour)

def loop():
 ??? # again, this only for testing
 ??? global my_dial, my_canvas

 ??? my_dial.value += 10? # change the pointer position by 10%
 ??? if my_dial.value > 100:
 ??????? my_dial.value = 0

 ??? move_pointer(my_dial, my_canvas)
 ??? my_frame.after(1000, loop)

if __name__ == "__main__":
 ??? root = Root()
 ??? root.mainloop()



From cs at  Tue Jan 31 16:27:10 2023
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 08:27:10 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 31Jan2023 15:46, Phil <phillor9 at> wrote:
>Thank you Cameron. The most glaring flaw is that I cannot display 
>multiple dials. I can see why but I'm not sure how to fix the flaw.  
>Even though it runs without error, It's starting to get overly complex.

As you suspect, using a global limits your flexibility.

How about having the dial instance do its own ticker loop? Untested 

class Dial:
??? def __init__(self, frame, canvasName, x=60, y=60, size=60):
         self.frame = frame
??????? self.canvasName = canvasName
         self.x = x? # centre of dial
??????? self.y = y
??????? self.size = size # the diameter of the dial
??????? self.xn = self.x + 1 # the end points of the ticks and pointer
??????? self.yn = self.y + 1
??????? self.value = 0 # the pointer's value

     def loop(self):
     ??? self.value += 10? # change the pointer position by 10%
     ??? if self.value > 100:
     ??????? self.value = 0
     ??? move_pointer(self, self.canvasName)
     ??? self.frame.after(1000, self.loop)

Note that last line: `self.loop` is a reference to the `loop()` method 
for this particuar dial. The initialisation of the Dial kicks off the 
first execution of that `loop()`, as you _were_ doing in `Root.__init__` 
but now should do here, thus once per Dial as made.

Then intialise your dial with the addition of the frame and canvasName, 
and do that in Root.__init__. That lets you drop the globals entirely.

The basic pattern here is that all the relevant state is stored with the 
Dial, and thus you can independently have many dials.

Frankly, I've have move_pointer() _also_ be a method of Dial.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From fatani.melinda at  Tue Jan 31 18:40:21 2023
From: fatani.melinda at (Melinda Fatani)
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 16:40:21 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] question about Scribe window
Message-ID: <>

I am working virtually  with an elementary student trying to learn Python.
We are following a interactive curriculum I found on  Things
are going well, but my student can't open a Scribe window.  We made sure
that we have the latest Python download, but there is no bar at the top of
his IDLE window to open a Scribe window.  Is there a way to do that, if it
doesn't show the tool bar at the top?


From alan.gauld at  Tue Jan 31 20:10:00 2023
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 01:10:00 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <trce58$pme$>

On 31/01/2023 05:46, Phil wrote:

> This is the analogue dial class as it is at the moment:
> class Dial:
>  ??? def __init__(self, x=60, y=60, size=60):
>  ??????? self.x = x? # centre of dial
>  ??????? self.y = y
>  ??????? self.size = size # the diameter of the dial
>  ??????? self.xn = self.x + 1 # the end points of the ticks and pointer
>  ??????? self.yn = self.y + 1
>  ??????? self.value = 0 # the pointer's value

Where are the methods?
An object that has no operations is just data...

> my_dial = None??? # I cannot see an alternative to their use at the moment
> my_canvas = None

Why not make them attributes of your root class?
After all the Root class actually represents your
application does it not?

> class Root(tk.Tk):
>  ??? def __init__(self):
>  ??????? super().__init__()
>  ??????? self.title("Canvas Template")
>  ??????? self.frame = tk.Frame(self, background='cornflowerblue')
>  ??????? self.frame.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=True)
>  ??????? global my_frame, my_dial, my_canvas
>  ??????? my_frame = self.frame
>  ??????? self.canvas = tk.Canvas(
>  ??????????? self.frame, relief='flat', background='lightgrey')
>  ??????? self.canvas.pack(side='top', anchor='center', fill='both',
>  ???????????????????????? expand=True, padx=10, pady=10)
>  ??????? my_canvas = self.canvas
>  ??????? self.quit_button = tk.Button(self, text="Quit", command=self.quit)
>  ??????? self.quit_button.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, anchor='se', padx=10, 
> pady=10)
>  ??????? self.dial = dial.Dial(180, 160, 120)
>  ??????? my_dial = self.dial
>  ??????? draw_dial(self.dial, self.canvas)
>  ??????? move_pointer(self.dial, self.canvas)
>  ??????? loop()
> def draw_dial(the_dial, canvasName):

Why is this not a method of the dial class. "the_dial" being self...
And canvasName is not really a name but a canvas so why not call it so:

class Dial:

   def __init__(...)...
   def draw(self,aCanvas):...

> def move_pointer(the_dial, canvasName):
>  ??? # this is just a test. In real use the_dial.value woule be supplied 
> with
>  ??? # a value from a serial device

Again a method of dial...

> def drawPointer(x_centre, y_centre, x_end, y_end, fill, canvasName):

Again a Dial method.
The coordinates should be known to the dial hopefully?

> def loop():
>  ??? # again, this only for testing

But could be a method of Root?
Then your globals become
self.my_dial etc.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Tue Jan 31 20:15:13 2023
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 01:15:13 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] question about Scribe window
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <trcef1$pme$>

On 31/01/2023 23:40, Melinda Fatani wrote:

> are going well, but my student can't open a Scribe window.  We made sure
> that we have the latest Python download, but there is no bar at the top of
> his IDLE window to open a Scribe window.  Is there a way to do that, if it
> doesn't show the tool bar at the top?

I'm going to guess that you are using a Mac?
The mac version of IDLE does not have a toolbar (I don't
undertand why since IDLE is a Tkinter app so shuld be
platform independent!)

To get a new "Edit" window - which is what I assume you
mean by "scribe"? - just use the menubar and the
File->New File menu item. This will open a new empty
editor window.

If you are not using a Mac, or that doesn't work, then
please respond with more details of OS, Python version
and a URL for the course you are following.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From phillor9 at  Tue Jan 31 20:51:40 2023
From: phillor9 at (Phil)
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 11:51:40 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 1/2/23 07:27, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> As you suspect, using a global limits your flexibility.
> How about having the dial instance do its own ticker loop? Untested 
> example:
Thank you Cameron,
> class Dial:
> ??? def __init__(self, frame, canvasName, x=60, y=60, size=60):
> ??????? self.frame = frame
> ??????? self.canvasName = canvasName
> ??????? self.x = x? # centre of dial
> ??????? self.y = y
> ??????? self.size = size # the diameter of the dial
> ??????? self.xn = self.x + 1 # the end points of the ticks and pointer
> ??????? self.yn = self.y + 1
> ??????? self.value = 0 # the pointer's value
> ??????? self.loop()
> ??? def loop(self):
> ??? ??? self.value += 10? # change the pointer position by 10%
> ??? ??? if self.value > 100:
> ??? ??????? self.value = 0
> ??? ??? move_pointer(self, self.canvasName)
> ??? ??? self.frame.after(1000, self.loop)
> Note that last line: `self.loop` is a reference to the `loop()` method 
> for this particuar dial. The initialisation of the Dial kicks off the 
> first execution of that `loop()`, as you _were_ doing in 
> `Root.__init__` but now should do here, thus once per Dial as made.
> Then intialise your dial with the addition of the frame and 
> canvasName, and do that in Root.__init__. That lets you drop the 
> globals entirely.
I see, doesn't that limit the class to only work with Tkinter, and is 
that normal practise? I try to make my classes universal so that they 
can be used with Tkinter and Wxpython. At the moment I'll be happy if 
the Dial class only works with Tkinter.

The basic pattern here is that all the relevant state is stored with the 
Dial, and thus you can independently have many dials.
> Frankly, I've have move_pointer() _also_ be a method of Dial.

I'm part way through a frustrating plumbing job on my motorhome so I 
probably won't get back to programming until tomorrow. In the meantime 
I'll give your suggestions some thought. Moving frame and canvasName to 
Dial certainly seems like a good idea.



From phillor9 at  Tue Jan 31 21:11:49 2023
From: phillor9 at (Phil)
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 12:11:49 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <trce58$pme$>
References: <>
 <> <trce58$pme$>
Message-ID: <>

On 1/2/23 11:10, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> Where are the methods?
> An object that has no operations is just data...

I was coming to that, it's still work in progress.

>> my_dial = None??? # I cannot see an alternative to their use at the moment
>> my_canvas = None
> Why not make them attributes of your root class?
> After all the Root class actually represents your
> application does it not?

That's how they were but they weren't visible to functions outside the 
root class. I'll give this more thought.

def draw_dial(the_dial, canvasName):
> Why is this not a method of the dial class. "the_dial" being self...
> And canvasName is not really a name but a canvas so why not call it so:
> class Dial:
>     def __init__(...)...
>     def draw(self,aCanvas):...
>> def move_pointer(the_dial, canvasName):
>>   ??? # this is just a test. In real use the_dial.value woule be supplied
>> with
>>   ??? # a value from a serial device
> Again a method of dial...
>> def drawPointer(x_centre, y_centre, x_end, y_end, fill, canvasName):
> Again a Dial method.
> The coordinates should be known to the dial hopefully?
>> def loop():
>>   ??? # again, this only for testing
> But could be a method of Root?
> Then your globals become
> self.my_dial etc.
Thank you Alan, I thought it would be best to have the canvas drawing 
routines included in the root class and not the Dial class, but I see 
your point. Much along the lines of Cameron's suggestions.

I've got to get back to my plumbing job otherwise I'll be in more trouble.


From cs at  Tue Jan 31 21:35:48 2023
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 13:35:48 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 01Feb2023 11:51, Phil <phillor9 at> wrote:
>I see, doesn't that limit the class to only work with Tkinter, and is 
>that normal practise? I try to make my classes universal so that they 
>can be used with Tkinter and Wxpython. At the moment I'll be happy if 
>the Dial class only works with Tkinter.

Surely. But I'd probably address that with a Dial class for the dial 
state, and separate DialWidgets of Tk and/or Wxpython flavours, each of 
which has a reference to the Dial. Then the app setup makes a Dial (or 
is given Dials, whatever) and makes widgets to show each dial.

That also lets you show the _same_ dial state in multiple places, or 
with different widgets (a dial or a bar or ...) all sharing state.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From cs at  Tue Jan 31 21:39:02 2023
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 13:39:02 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter and after() method
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <Y9nQxuJaQzkwTT/>

On 01Feb2023 12:11, Phil <phillor9 at> wrote:
>On 1/2/23 11:10, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
>>Where are the methods?
>>An object that has no operations is just data...
>I was coming to that, it's still work in progress.

Aye. Some things are just state of course :-)

But even a thing with not GUI methods may well grow methods returning 
derived values or for doing specific types of adjustments to the state.

>>>my_dial = None??? # I cannot see an alternative to their use at the 
>>>my_canvas = None
>>Why not make them attributes of your root class?
>>After all the Root class actually represents your
>>application does it not?
>That's how they were but they weren't visible to functions outside the 
>root class. I'll give this more thought.

This ties Phil back to a single dial. And also ties the dial to the 
widget kit (tkinter).

Cameron Simpson <cs at>