[Tutor] First meeting of 2023

dn PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Sun Jan 15 18:22:02 EST 2023

The Auckland Branch of the New Zealand Python Users' Group's first 
gathering of the new year!

We're looking forward to meeting-up (virtually) on Wednesday, 1800 for 
1830 NZST (0500/0530 UTC).

The topic is "What would you like to do?" - both in the context of what 
would you like to do at the meeting AND planning what you'd like the PUG 
to achieve during the coming year.

Please come along with ideas and questions. We're interested in your 
feedback of what has been successful in the past, and ideas for future 
activities and our group direction.

It will also be a great opportunity to raise discussion points around 
your recent projects...

Please RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/nzpug-auckland/events/njdjssyfccbxb/

Other NZPUG meetings scheduled:

-    Thu 19 Jan: Wellington, (in-person only) Danny Adair: how to write 
a browser plugin in Python 
-    Wed 1 Feb: Auckland, Coding Evening: topic TBA 
-    Tue 7 Feb: Christchurch, first meeting of the year. 

NB the stated days may be one-day 'ahead' if you live in a time-zone 
west of the Atlantic Ocean!

Regards =dn (for Pete and DJ)

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