[Tutor] louis renton

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Sun Jan 22 19:31:41 EST 2023

On 1/22/23 17:17, dn via Tutor wrote:

> +1 but.........
> in order to decide if it is worth copying in the first place, and later 
> to "test", one first needs a basis of knowledge.
> Some dispute this, saying that as long as they know where to find facts 
> (Google?) why bother to learn them. However, learning is more than 
> "facts". Per the OP's "hands on", it is knowing how to use what you 
> know/can find-out, and actually proving that by doing-so.
> Question: if needed an operation, would you prefer a graduate of 
> Med.School, or someone who is picking-up brain-surgery from different 
> web-sites recommended by the GOOG?

see all the furor about ChatGPT... some think it will make programmers 
obsolete because "AI will write your code for you, eliminating all the 
need for deep knowledge". But StackOverflow, which has its own 
detractors, bans answers generated by ChatGPT...

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