[Tutor] Tkinter and after() method

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Tue Jan 31 21:35:48 EST 2023

On 01Feb2023 11:51, Phil <phillor9 at gmail.com> wrote:
>I see, doesn't that limit the class to only work with Tkinter, and is 
>that normal practise? I try to make my classes universal so that they 
>can be used with Tkinter and Wxpython. At the moment I'll be happy if 
>the Dial class only works with Tkinter.

Surely. But I'd probably address that with a Dial class for the dial 
state, and separate DialWidgets of Tk and/or Wxpython flavours, each of 
which has a reference to the Dial. Then the app setup makes a Dial (or 
is given Dials, whatever) and makes widgets to show each dial.

That also lets you show the _same_ dial state in multiple places, or 
with different widgets (a dial or a bar or ...) all sharing state.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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