[Tutor] looking but not finding
o1bigtenor at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 17:08:54 EDT 2023
On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 3:22 PM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at python.org> wrote:
> On 11/07/2023 13:06, o1bigtenor wrote:
> > Greetings
> >
> > I am new to programming (although I've been using computers for quite
> > a while) - - - have a project.
> >
> > Situation
> > - have a fluid collection system
> > - fluid system is on a load cell system
> I googled load call sysem and it seems to be a hardware based system,
> possibly proprietary. I couldn't find any details on how to access it
> via software. You will need to give us much more information about how
> you connect your python code to the sensors?
The load cell system does NOT have to be proprietary.
Your response is headed in quite a different direction than my question.
> > but I want to record that information (as well as other information around it).
> >
> > I've tried looking for data log software
> I would expect the hardware supplier to have some kind of libraries -
> possibly in C but that's OK Python can probably access those.
> Alternatively they may provide command line tools (which OS?)
> and again Python can probably drive those.
> But without more details on the interface you will need to hope
> somebody here has prior experience and thats a long shot! Better
> if you can describe it or at least provide a link to a description.
> (But thats asking a lot from volunteer helpers!)
What I specifically need assistance on is software that enables one to log
data. What I find mountainous reams of information is on syslog - - -
useful - - - - but when it comes to logging data - - - - well - - - quite NOT.
> > stuff. Tried looking to see if there were python libraries that could
> > be manipulated into service
> We need to know more. There are lots of possibilities from low level
> IP sockets to http/html, or JSON etc If its an industry standard
> such as HPIB then there may well be existing high level libraries.
> But we don't know your hardware setup.
Hardware should be immaterial.
Sensors are available for a plethora of measurables.
I want to grab a value from sensor A and deposit that value in a
data log over there.
If you want I could give you a list of all the different kinds of sensors
that I'm dealing with but that would be obfuscating the point. I understand
how to read the sensors (there are a number of different ways depending
upon a number of different factors as you intimate - - - but that isn't what
I am asking about) - - - I think - - - problems here would go to a much more
hardware slanted list - - - - not software.
> > (Running on linux if that makes a difference.)
> Yes the OS will be very significant here.
> The distribution might matter too.
> Also the Python version you are using.
AFAIK right now it would be Python 3.11.x - - - I lose track of the exact
version just know that ists 3.11 at this point.
> The closer to the hardware you get the more specific
> the details need to be!
The Python info https://docs.python.org/3/howto/logging.html is quite
slanted toward syslog although it does not state that. I was thinking that
someone just might have produced something like pyplot for producing
graphs or scipy which gets close to what I want in its statistics section
(for the optimisation routines for a PID controller I think I would find a
way to call a fortran routine that I've found that is scary good instead of
using Python as in scipy) but I haven't been able to find anything when
I include the term data log (logger/logging etc).
What I'm storing - - -
1. item identification
2. time/date (routine is called every 0.5 seconds at this point in the planning)
3. value (from the weighing sensor system)
above is data most likely shipping over tcp/ip.
Its possible that data logging software is a 'roll your own everytime' kind of
function but I was hoping that something better than
is available. After all - - - - any time there is a process there needs to be a
way to monitor said process - - - - and I would think its sorta normal to
store at least some of the values - - - - that being the core value of a data
logging system - - - now if I could only find some kind of python libraries
that could help get me close to such - - - - that would be great.
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