[Tutor] I learn pretty much everything visually
PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Wed Jun 14 23:17:11 EDT 2023
On 14/06/2023 09.44, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 13/06/2023 19:28, Mats Wichmann wrote:
>> One of the real problems when there are too many offerings is finding
>> one that is (a) any good and (b) fits your learning style
>> Be nice if we could do a bit better here on tutor, but I, at least,
>> don't see a way (Alan?).
> I don't think it's possible. As you say, there are different
> learning styles. One person's good tutorial is the next
> person's nightmare.
> My own tutorial is aimed at a very specific type of learner;
> namely one who wants to learn to program, but is already quite
> experienced around computers - more than a casual web browser,
> social media jockey etc. It suits those from that user-base
> who want a "serious" tutorial. But if they want games,
> medals and flags it's not going to work for them.
> Other tutorials target those who just want to learn Python for
> a specific purpose, but that could be as trivial as writing
> macros for some application(Gimp say, or vim) to doing advanced
> science or data analysis at university research level.
The idea of "Learning Styles" is concerning. It is 'pop-psy', because
the idea seems so easy to recognise within one's self*. Evidently there
is a basis in truth, therefore the whole thing must be true(?). However,
the idea has been de-bunked by serious researchers.
* this phenomenon repeated in every psych course, whereby the students
each self-diagnose themselves to be suffering from any and every
psychosis known to man - or at least the ones covered in that course.
(see also medical students learning about sundry diseases)
Worse, the idea that I have (only one) learning-style, is a tendency
towards 'damage', in the sense that as soon as someone says "it has to
happen like this..." (s)he is rejecting all other possibilities, without
factual (or critical) basis. Ultimately, if you tell others that there
is only one way *you* will do things, they won't want you on their
teams, invite you to their parties, etc.
There is no question that we have individual biases. Speaking
personally, I enjoy using my Kindle for fiction, but prefer paper-books
for technical stuff - I'm used to recalling the location of information
as 'how far through the book', 'which side of the page', and similar. In
like mind, I find videos awkward, even recorded lectures, and even
knowing that I've gained the advantage of rewind-and-replay. That said,
just as during synchronous lectures, I take notes and rely upon those
for 'replay'. (free hint: one of THE most valuable learning tools EVER -
providing, providing, providing, you go back and review...)
Another piece of (related) spurious pop-psy is the "10,000 hours"
quotation. Ericsson (the reputed author) himself, spent years and
considerable effort attempting to undo the 'damage' done by reporters
(Malcolm Gladwell, and others) who seized upon the number which was only
an observation, and turned it into a 'target' - forgetting that there
are (many) other factors which affect learning. (you will note that the
better critics target Gladwell rather than Ericsson, but ...) For
example, someone with low physical coordination, eg can't catch a ball;
can improve their skills - but it highly unlikely to ever become an
Olympic-level athlete (despite being allowed to drive a car which
requires similar relative-motion 'calculations')
The point that Ericsson noted, and which @Alan encourages (see Tutorial
and other conversations), is that learning does not take place in one
'flash' - by reading a paragraph, watching a video-clip, or hearing an
Learning needs to be consolidated. Learning also needs to be proven. The
former leads to ideas such as "spaced repetition". The latter to
"deliberative practice" (no, that's not a spelling mistake!).
This is where the learner practices what (s)he has learned. In our case:
actually writes code to solve some problem - and keeps at it until the
script works. Doing this repeatedly is equivalent to the musicians
Ericsson observed, practising their art, for hours every day (for years
- thus hours * days * years ~ 10,000!). This takes fortitude and inner
determination ("intrinsic motivation"). Without that, without YOU
maintaining a constant enthusiasm to get yourself to where you want to
be, the rest is just static-noise (or even, excuses to prepare yourself
for failure).
That said, I mentioned working in a team. Accordingly, yes, there is a
place for extrinsic (external) factors. Perhaps the best of these for
any (every?) trainee (counting Python-Masters in such a mode), is to
find a mentor or coach. This person does not need to be a fantastic
Python coder, but someone who understands the challenges, can empathise
with your situation, and provide encouragement.
The commentary on "practice" leads some to recommend what is called 'the
Project approach to learning'. Whereas a curriculum-based course
attempts to provide a 'complete' coverage of the basics, usually under
some sub-heading (pick a heading, eg Python for Data Science);
project-based is exactly that. The former tends to evoke comments such
as "I'm just ploughing my way through all these lectures" (see earlier
comments about the need to stop and consolidate 'learning' with
"practise"!) Conversely, the latter maintains interest through
challenge: don't know how to do this bit? - well go away and learn then.
Powerful (extrinsic) motivation (to problem-solving types)!
I was surprised by the number of people joining a recent PythonTraining
Co-op, who self-identified as Python-Journeymen, but who had also
noticed that great chunks of 'basic knowledge' about Python had been
'missed-out' - accordingly we talked about how to use a more traditional
(curriculum-based) course to best fill-in the gaps between their
"islands of knowledge". There's no such thing as a "silver bullet"!
Seeing you asked (did you ask? OK, just in case) I favor a mixture of
them both. Sometimes, show a 'solution' using the tools necessary, then
ask the trainee to 'go and do thou likewise' with a similar problem.
Sometimes, here's a problem, think about it - oh, is something
perplexing you? here's some Python tools which will be helpful, ah now
that makes it easy/ier...
FYI looking at our Internet courses' dashboards. MOST trainees fail to
utilise or fail to finish watching the (expensive-to-produce) video
content - apparently preferring the written explanations (despite what
the training platforms would have us believe - and trumpet
all-day-long). Similarly, university librarians repeatedly report
students given a choice of eBook or paper will most likely choose the
latter - even the so-called 'digirati' generation(s)! Secondly, the
biggest cause of drop-out is loss of motivation (compared to other
matters when 'life happens').
Those who do the practical stuff succeed (in career or hobby). Whereas,
those who (rush through) and only commit their understanding to
short-term memory in order to pass the final-exam (and gain the
'wall-paper'), are no use to anyone when they're sat in front of an IDE
and a spec - particular three months later!
Cognitive Psychology is my research topic.
(but I'd better stop writing here)
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