[Tutor] Question

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jun 18 15:23:53 EDT 2023

On 18/06/2023 17:22, Katherine Gillig wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm following a YouTube tutorial to learn Python. I'm very early in, and
> I'm trying to input a series of underscores/hyphens such that the command
> window will spit out a shape that looks like a triangle. However, when I
> run it, "Hi PyCharm" pops out instead of the triangle. I have PyCharm
> installed, which is where that's coming from. Could you help with this?

Hi, the list server will not allow binary attachments for security reasons.

Please repost with the text from the screen copy/pasted into the
message. (Also use plain text mode to keep the text formatting which
is critical in Python)

Additional information that will help us figure out what's happening
1) OS type and version
2) Python version
3) How you ran your program(inside an IDE, which one?
Or from a command line? Show us the actual command typed)
4) A link to your youTube tutorial.
5) Your code(pasted as per above)
6) Any error messages(in full please)

That looks a lot but the more you tell us the easier it is to
give an accurate answer.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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