[Tutor] Question about python code that is not working
PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Mon Jun 19 14:55:18 EDT 2023
We'd like to help. Two things will help us to help you:
- please copy-paste the code as simple-text. With all the formatting we
can't copy-paste into our systems to see what happens
- tell us 'what happens'. The words "not working...doing wrong" don't
even hint where the problem lies.
What error messages result? (again, please copy-paste the details - and
if necessary translate pertinent line-numbers (because there will be
none in the copy-pasted code!)
Focus: Can the code be minimised? For example, if the problem is to do
with the .CSV file, what happens if the code is shortened, and sample
data is 'injected' straight into that function?
On 20/06/2023 01.40, Arthur Kolbe wrote:
> I want to be able to put a list of websites into this program and the
> program to crawl all pages of the websites I entered, to then check for any
> 404 pages. Then I want the program to create a csv file with two columns,
> in the left column all websites I entered, and in the right column, the
> status of the websites, with either "no 404 pages found on this website" or
> "404 pages found on this website". Or "website not found" if the website
> can't be reached. This is the code I tried to build but it's not working.
> If you could tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix, that would be
> amazing! Thanks in advance!
> Code:
> *import* csv
> *import* scrapy
> *from* scrapy.crawler *import* CrawlerRunner
> *from* scrapy.spiders *import* CrawlSpider, Rule
> *from* scrapy.linkextractors *import* LinkExtractor
> *from* scrapy.utils.project *import* get_project_settings
> *from* twisted.internet *import* reactor
> *class* PageChecker(CrawlSpider):
> name = 'page_checker'
> custom_settings = {
> 'USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
> http://www.google.com/bot.html)',
> }
> *def* __init__(self, websites=*None*, **kwargs):
> self.start_urls = websites
> self.allowed_domains = [self.extract_domain(url) *for* url *in*
> websites]
> self.rules = [Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=()),
> callback=self.parse_page, follow=*True*)]
> self.results = {} # Track results for each URL
> super().__init__(**kwargs)
> @staticmethod
> *def* extract_domain(url):
> *return* url.split('//')[-1].split('/')[0]
> *def* parse_page(self, response):
> status_code = response.status
> *if* status_code == 404:
> self.results.setdefault(response.url, *True*)
> *def* closed(self, reason):
> save_to_csv(self.results)
> *def* check_404_pages(websites):
> results = {}
> runner = CrawlerRunner(get_project_settings())
> *for* website *in* websites:
> runner.crawl(PageChecker, websites=[website], results=results) #
> Pass the spider class and results dictionary
> d = runner.join()
> d.addBoth(*lambda* _: save_to_csv(results)) # Save results to CSV
> after the crawl is complete
> *def* save_to_csv(results):
> csv_file_path = '404_results.csv'
> *with* open(csv_file_path, 'w', newline='') *as* csvfile:
> writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
> writer.writerow(['URL', 'Status'])
> *for* url, _ *in* results.items():
> writer.writerow([url, '404 Pages Found'])
> *if* *not* results:
> print("No 404 pages found.")
> *else*:
> print("CSV file created successfully.")
> websites = [
> "https://osteopathie.org",
> "https://hpo-osteopathie.de",
> "https://osteopathiezentrum.de"
> ]
> # Check for 404 pages by crawling all pages of the websites and save the
> results to a CSV file
> check_404_pages(websites)
> reactor.run()
> Kind regards,
> Arthur
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