[Tutor] Get all possible ranges of columns across a dataframe's

marc nicole mk1853387 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 16:14:41 EDT 2023

I have this dataframe:

    12 2 17
    16 4 16
    2 19 11

I want to get, accross its columns, the following output

> [12,16,2],[2,4,19],[17,16,11],[[12,16,2],[2,4,19]],[[2,4,19],[17,16,11]],[[12,16,2],[2,4,19],[17,16,11]]
>  ]

I have this code which yield the first 3 possibilities only:

> *from itertools import combinations        resultTmp2 = []        for j in
> range(1, len(dataframe.columns) + 1):          resultTmp = []          for
> xVal in list(combinations(dataframe.iloc[:len(dataframe) + 1,j-1],
>  len(dataframe)  )):             resultTmp.append(list(xVal))
> resultTmp2.append(resultTmp)        print(resultTmp2)*

How to update my code so that it yields correct mentioned output?

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