[Tutor] RollDieDynamic

Michael Reubel blackdymondzinc at gmail.com
Mon May 22 12:56:30 EDT 2023

To whomever this may concern,

 Hello my name is Michael Reubel. I need some help with installing
RollDieDynamic on my system.I am taking an online course for python. And
following the steps that are a part of the program didn't work like I
thought it would.

 In the program I have opened my CMD from Windows.

   - Extracted the zip files under Desktop.
   -  Found out that my zip file was stored in my OneDrive.
   - I then proceeded to use cd Onedrive.
   - Typed cd Desktop
   - cd IntroToPythonMaster (that is how it is titled in my system).
   -  cd examples and i get a message that reads the system cannot find the
   path specified.

I've also searched on Youtube on how to create a Path and I didn't get much
help from that either. If someone can help guide me with this problem
I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time.

Michael Reuebl

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