[Tutor] Tkinter button command question

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 30 00:22:22 EDT 2023

This is a confusing problem so I'll do my best to explain it clearly.

I have created a Tkinter app that consists of two classes; an App and an 
Entry class. The entry class has a variable named self.a and is set like 
this: self.a = "".

Each class has an identical function named solve().

The Entry class has a button defined as follows:

         solve_button = customtkinter.CTkButton(
             command=self.master.solve,  # This calls the App class 
solve function

If the command calls the Entry class solve() then self.a = "x" (self.a 
is set to "x" before the solve button is pressed). If the command calls 
the App class solve then self.a = "", the initial value of self.a.

I hope that someone can offer a working suggestion because I've reached 
the limit of my ability.

By the way, my AI friend suggested "command=self.master.solve" but 
cannot offer a working solution that solves the problem.

self.a = "x" when command=self.solve and self.x = "" when 

I should mention that I have stepped through the code with the debugger 
and the App class solve() is called after the button is pressed and 
after self.a is set to "x".


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