[Tutor] Question
PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Tue Aug 13 17:06:48 EDT 2024
On 14/08/24 03:00, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 13/08/2024 14:56, Markis Gardner wrote:
>> ABBREVIATED form of messenger able to chat with other people.
>> Is it possible to do it as a standalone program with Python?
> It depends what you mean by standalone. If you are happy to run it under
> the Python interpreter then yes thats straightforward. If you want to
> create an exe file that you can distribute then there are tools that can
> bundle up a python program + interpreter into a self executing bundle.
>> If yes, can you give me suggestions on what to read (please don't send me
>> the code solution)?
> I'm not sure what your level of experience is. But the official Python
> tutorial would be a good start for an ex VB6 programmer. And for the
> networking stuff there are varios online tutorials and HowTos around.
> A good paper book is "Python Network Programming" on Apress.
> I don't know enough about Yahoo Messenger protocols etc to offer
> any more specific advice. But python has pretty good networking
> support so you should be able to do something. There may even be a
> module specifically for Yahoo, try searching the PyPi repository.
> In fact, a quick Google threw this up:
> https://pypi.org/project/pyahoolib/
> Claims to support the Yahoo Messenger protocol...
Like @Alan, I haven't played with the Yahoo Messenger code.
Enjoyed the learning-intention of this question (cf a give-me-the-answer
Was put-off by the description of the above code-library.
Since Yahoo's prime, the world has moved-on. There are disadvantages to
large, centralised systems - yesterday someone would have lost his/her
job (or head) over the Trump-Musk love-fest foul-up on eX-twitter, and
mentioning "CrowdStrike" will still cause many-a blood-pressure to rise.
Accordingly, other ideas have arisen such as the ActivityPub protocol,
Pub-Sub ideas, and similar.
Having mentioned Twitter earlier and on-topic with messaging, an
alternative implementation is Mastodon (not that I'm a frequent user of
same). You may like to take a look at its mechanisms, perhaps starting
with "How to implement a basic ActivityPub server"
which is language-agnostic (so, discussing mechanisms and data-transfer
rather than coding detail) and leads-on with further reading.
Regardless of the course you choose, please let us know how you get-on,
and feel free to ask further questions...
PS I've thought (but that's as far as I've progressed) about developing
a Python presentation on programming with APIs, using Mastodon as an
(interest-raising) 'target'.
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