[Tutor] Any Jupyter users?

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Sun Aug 18 10:33:45 EDT 2024

On 8/18/24 08:18, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:

> I don't use Anaconda or Jupyter so I'm not sure what debugging
> facilities are available. Is there a way to generate a complete
> traceback? Are there ways to find out where a function is defined
> (which module?). I did a simple text search but it didn't find the
> highest function listed so I assume it's inside a module somewhere,
> but where? Are there any tracing facilities like the ability to step
> through/into a function?

there's an ipdb you can install to be able to debug, similar the Python 
stdlib pdb.'Bout as much as I know.

Seems Jupyter provides something more sophisticated but this is just a 
quick web search, no knowledge (this iPython notebook stuff has never 
really made sense to me, and I end up deleting the support packages when 
they install automatically in VS Code, for example. So I'm a pretty bad 
resource (grin)).


> Also can you save a Jupyter session as a runnable python file
> (ie with all the output stuff removed or commented out)? That way we
> might get a more complete error trace from the vanilla interpreter.
> Or load it into a smart IDE like Visual Code that can jump up and
> down the stack.

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