[Tutor] Regarding importing from a sub-directory

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Feb 11 03:59:48 EST 2024

On 10/02/2024 20:53, Phil wrote:

> I've had problems with IDLE from time to time in the past not running 
> Tkinter code correctly or at all and I think that's due to IDLE itself 
> being a Tkinter project. 

There used to be several issues with IDLE but since a major
restructure/repair project for Python 3.6/7(?) it has been pretty
solid. And the issue with running Tkinter projects was
fixed even further back, I think with Python 3.0!
But it is odd that it didn't pick up the path properly.

However, IDLE has never been intended as a full IDE it was
always a demo program to showcase what you could do with Tkinter
(along with the ill-fated Grail web browser). For serious
work VS Code, Eclipse, etc are definitely better choices.

I guess the real learning point here is that with any
issues of that type (or indeed in general) it's always
best to check what happens running from the command line,
just to eliminate any environmental/tooling possibilities.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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