[Tutor] Mtg: Object-Oriented VacExcHndlrs (UTC+13)

dn PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Sat Jan 13 21:51:39 EST 2024

Let's meet on Wednesday (17Jan, 1600 NZDT (UTC+13), wearing a head-set) 
to talk about Object-Oriented everything. Is O-O worthwhile, or does is 
it just a load of guys running around and getting no-where?

NB this is not a formal PUG-meeting. It's part of the "Vacation 
Exception Handlers" series 
(https://danceswithmice.info/Python/2024/VacExcHndlrs.html) - 
virtual-gatherings for folk left-behind to keep the wheels turning, 
whilst everyone else swans-off sunning themselves...

(non-Kiwis please remember: it's not just school vacation, but 
summer-time down-under. Wish you were here?)

Café-style approach, so there will be no formal presentation. All 
welcome. No presumption of knowledge/skill. This gathering is for 
everyone, from Beginner to Python-Master.

Is Python an Object-Oriented language?
Why does Python use (what appear to be) procedural constructs for so 
many of its core functions, eg len(a_list) rather than a_list.length() 
and sqrt(a_number) rather than a_number.sqrt()?
Why do pythonista say "everything in Python is an object"?
Is it faster to write in an OOP-style and/or does OOP-code run faster? 
If not, why bother?
- insert your question here: What do you want to know? What has been 
bothering you about OOP (or O-O in Python) that you'd like to settle?

To join us (we don't bite!), please RSVP at 


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