[Tutor] Debugging skills
Mats Wichmann
mats at wichmann.us
Mon Jan 15 11:16:23 EST 2024
On 1/15/24 02:27, dn via Tutor wrote:
> On 15/01/24 17:16, dn via Tutor wrote:
>> On 6/01/24 02:56, Mats Wichmann wrote:
>>> while we're nattering on a whole range of sort-of-debugging topics,
>>> here's something I've occasionally wondered about, when a beginner
>>> has written something that makes sense only to them, not to the
>>> Python interpreter. Regexes are confusing, so there are several
>>> websites (see for example regex101.com) where you can enter your
>>> "code" (regex) and as it's interpreted, will show you an explanation
>>> in words in a separate pane. Does anyone know if there's a similar
>>> thing for Python code? "This is what you wrote actually means to the
>>> interpreter". Ones I know about (like at Programiz, w3schools,
>>> online-python) don't attempt the explanation part. It's not
>>> something that's likely to be useful for very many cases, but I could
>>> see where in the beginning there might be some benefit...
> Re-reading recent post - when copy came [back] from the reflector, I
> wondered about LLMs.
> If you come across someone who lands in just such a problem, where
> his/her mental model is considerably at-odds with the interpreter; it
> would be very interesting to see if/how an LLM helps them through.
> Alternately, if you can recall such circumstance, I'll be keen to try to
> reproduce and to experiment...
Well, I can name one very simple one: if you've programmed only in, for
example C, your mental model is arrays are pre-allocated (and hopefully
you remember the fixed size so you don't go out of bounds), so you might
try to use a Python list the same way - the syntax looks similar, after
data = []
for i in range(5):
data[i] = i
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
Wait, what?
Obviously you then quickly learn, so I'm not sure this was a
particularly useful example, but the brain wants to follow patterns it
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