[Tutor] MTG: pytest (NZPUG, Auckland, VacExcHndlrs)

dn PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Wed Jan 31 15:34:34 EST 2024

Wed 7 Feb (evening NZDT) will be the last virtual gathering in the 
current Vacation Exception Handlers (VacExcHndlrs) series 

You are cordially-invited to join us to investigate the pytest Python 
testing framework.

"The pytest framework makes it easy to write small, readable tests, and 
can scale to support complex functional testing for applications and 


1 Head-set to ask questions and make contributions
2 Lab-/Log-/Note-book
3 Python 3.8+ installed
4 Ability to write intro-level Python program[me]s (at least)
5 Credentials to install from PyPi ("The Cheese Shop")
6 Preparedness to research, experiment, work with others...
As before, we will follow a café style of meeting. So, come prepared 
with a list of objectives you would like to achieve and a list of 
achievements you will be ready to share.

Possible (but far too many) topics:

- installing pytest (individual, system-wide, PyCharm, VSCodium, ...)
- TDD's (Test-Driven Development) red-green refactoring
- the Python assert-statement
- the project directory-tree and auto-discovery
- adding simple-tests
- running pytest
- reporting
- structuring the code-base to facilitate testing
- advantages/disadvantages of automated testing
- using a GAI to suggest/generate tests
- fixtures and dependencies (set-up and/or tear-down)
- scopes (function, class, module, session)
- parametrizing
- monkey-patching
- CI/CD chaining you've built
- plug-ins you're finding helpful
- coverage
- testing strategies
- other testing frameworks and aids
(open-ended - what would you like to add?)

Come to participate, learn-from, and help others!
Please RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/nzpug-auckland/events/298901851/


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