[Tutor] Print result of function doesn't work

Torbjorn Svensson Diaz torbjorn_svensson_diaz at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 20 12:20:11 EDT 2024

Hello, dear tutors!

Here's my program.

import math

print("What is the length of the first leg of the triangle?")
leg1 = input()

print("What is the length of the second leg of the triangle?")
leg2 = input()

def hypotenuse(leg1, leg2):
     legs = leg1**2 + leg2**2
     result = math.sqrt(legs)
     return result

x = hypotenuse

When I run it in Thonny it says as follows

%Run hypotenuse.py
What is the length of the first leg of the triangle?
What is the lenght of the second leg of the triangle?
<function hypotenuse at 0x7fa05d5a1940>

I have the same trouble when I run the program as a script in the 
terminal but when I use interactive mode I have no difficulties.

The same program in Scheme is

(define (hypotenuse leg1 leg2) (sqrt (+ (expt leg1 2) (expt leg2 2))))
(hypotenuse 3 4)

and works wonders. Why doesn't my Python program run? What do I do 
wrong? Can someone help me out? Perhaps give me some pointers as to what 
I should learn?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

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