[Tutor] Ideas on making this cleaner?
threesomequarks at proton.me
Sat May 4 13:32:27 EDT 2024
I some cases, a dictionary is a useful method to consolidate multiple cases.
For example, your vowels:
> self.syllable_count += line.count("a")
> self.syllable_count += line.count("e")
> self.syllable_count += line.count("i")
> self.syllable_count += line.count("o")
> self.syllable_count += line.count("u")
> self.syllable_count -= line.count("ee")
> self.syllable_count -= line.count("oi")
> self.syllable_count -= line.count("oo")
> self.syllable_count -= line.count("ou")
You could initialize a dictionary like Vowels with keys like "a" through "ou" initialized to zero and increment it when a vowel is encountered.
This is not always trivial or even helpful as you need to deal with making sure you only include the vowels you want and still have to iterate over things.
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On Saturday, May 4th, 2024 at 11:15 AM, Leam Hall <leamhall at gmail.com> wrote:
> This gets a rough USA grade level report for chapters in a book. There's a lot of "count()" duplication, can it be done in a cleaner fashion? Coding style is Python 3.12 and standard library only; no exceptions. I also run "black -l 79" on everything. :)
> Full code is at: https://github.com/LeamHall/bookbot
> class Report:
> def init(self, data, filename):
> self.filename = filename
> self.lines = list()
> for line in data:
> self.lines.append(line.lower())
> self.count_sentences()
> self.count_words()
> self.count_syallables()
> self.grade_report()
> def count_sentences(self):
> """Counts the number of sentence ending marks."""
> self.sentence_count = 0
> for line in self.lines:
> self.sentence_count += line.count(".")
> self.sentence_count += line.count("?")
> self.sentence_count += line.count("!")
> def count_words(self):
> """Counts the number of words, ignoring punctuation."""
> self.word_count = 0
> for line in self.lines:
> self.word_count += len(line.split())
> def count_syallables(self):
> """Simplistic syllable counter. Does not handle unicode."""
> self.syllable_count = 0
> for line in self.lines:
> self.syllable_count += line.count("a")
> self.syllable_count += line.count("e")
> self.syllable_count += line.count("i")
> self.syllable_count += line.count("o")
> self.syllable_count += line.count("u")
> self.syllable_count -= line.count("ee")
> self.syllable_count -= line.count("oi")
> self.syllable_count -= line.count("oo")
> self.syllable_count -= line.count("ou")
> scrubbed_line = line.replace(".", " ")
> scrubbed_line = scrubbed_line.replace("!", " ")
> scrubbed_line = scrubbed_line.replace("?", " ")
> scrubbed_line = scrubbed_line.replace('"', " ")
> words = scrubbed_line.split()
> for word in words:
> for phrase in ["e", "ey"]:
> if word.endswith(phrase):
> self.syllable_count -= 1
> for phrase in [
> "y",
> ]:
> if word.endswith(phrase):
> self.syllable_count += 1
> if self.syllable_count < 1:
> self.syllable_count = 1
> def grade_report(self):
> """Calculates grade level per:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch–Kincaid_readability_tests
> """
> self.sentence_average = self.word_count / self.sentence_count
> self.syllables_per_word_average = self.syllable_count / self.word_count
> self.grade_level = (
> (0.39 * self.sentence_average)
> + (11.8 * self.syllables_per_word_average)
> - 15.59
> )
> self.grade_level = float("{:.2f}".format(self.grade_level))
> def report_data(self):
> """Collates and returns report data."""
> data = dict()
> data["filename"] = self.filename
> data["sentence_average"] = self.sentence_average
> data["grade_level"] = self.grade_level
> data["syllables_per_word_average"] = self.syllables_per_word_average
> return data
> --
> Software Engineer (reuel.net/resume)
> Scribe: The Domici War (domiciwar.net)
> General Ne'er-do-well (github.com/LeamHall)
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