[Tutor] NETGEAR NAS DUO 2110 setup on WIN11platform

MikeH mikeatwh at talktalk.net
Sat May 11 07:05:37 EDT 2024

I have had this NAS for many years it it has worked like a charm on my windowsXP 0S laptop.
Recently I purchase a new Asustor laptop running WIn11 and I cannot get it to work on this PC.
The device shows as storage device on my home screen and in file explorer with its  IP & I can sucesfully ping it. 
When I try to login with its IP , I  receive an error message which  says “….this browser (google) has no support for this interface with an error message code Ox0004002”
Searching on the web indicates this may be because a communications protocol TLS 1.0 or 1.1 is no longer supported,  or advised , on the windows 10/11 platform which  the NAS’s software uses.
Has anyone else had this issue and is there a solution or work round.
I have done a factory reset on the NAS.

Sent from my iPad

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