[Tutor] How to stop a specific thread in Python 2.7?

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Wed Sep 25 16:44:09 EDT 2024

On 25Sep2024 19:24, marc nicole <mk1853387 at gmail.com> wrote:
>I want to know how to kill a specific running thread (say by its id)
>for now I run and kill a thread like the following:
># start thread
>thread1 = threading.Thread(target= self.some_func(), args=( ...,), )
># kill the thread
>event_thread1 = threading.Event()
>I know that set() will kill all running threads, but if there was thread2
>as well and I want to kill only thread1?

No, `set()` doesn't kill a thread at all. It sets the `Event`, and each 
thread must be checking that event regularly, and quitting if it becomes 

You just need a per-thred vent instead of a single Event for all the 

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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