[Tutor] Type hint question

Albert-Jan Roskam sjeik_appie at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 26 12:57:15 EDT 2024

   I just started using type hints and mypy so this is probably a basic
   question. Why doesn't like mypy the code below? Also, I noticed that mypy
   seems to favour LBYL (if isinstance) to EAFP (try-except), in the sense
   that doesn't understand the latter well. Is this true? I'm still learning
   to use mypy, but sometimes it feels a lot like "pleasing mypy". Then
   again, it has already helped me find some errors.
   from typing import TypeVar
   T = TypeVar("T")
   def try_int(value: T) -> T:
           return int(value.strip(" "))
       except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError):
           return value

   n = try_int(" 1")
   I get this message:
   main.py:7: error: Incompatible return value type (got "int", expected "T")
   main.py:7: error: "T" has no attribute "strip" [attr-defined]
   Found 2 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

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