[Tutor] How to stop a specific thread in Python 2.7?

marc nicole mk1853387 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 06:00:54 EDT 2024

To note that i dont want to achieve concurrent execution but rather launch
a background task

On Wed, 25 Sept 2024, 22:26 Mats Wichmann, <mats at wichmann.us> wrote:

> On 9/25/24 13:57, marc nicole wrote:
> > Why i want to kill a thread?
> >
> > At first, i want to look for two values through a thread, if i got them
> > before an event happens, that's cool, the thread will end itself and i
> > will use the values in the subsequent code, if not i want to kill the
> > background running function/thread, and relaunch the function of thread
> > (blocking call this time) to get the values and then continue the
> program.
> >
> > The context is robotics:
> So to start out, from the documentation:
> "currently, there are no priorities, no thread groups, and threads
> cannot be destroyed, stopped, suspended, resumed, or interrupted."
> (see the bits just above this heading:
> https://docs.python.org/3.12/library/threading.html#thread-local-data)
> So you need to find a way to extend your model to the negative case as
> well, so the thread stops itself even if the ideal case didn't occur.  I
> think one approach is to use Event, as you've already started to think
> about, I'd just change the naming to be more clear:
> should_stop = threading.Event()
> # then at some point:
> should_stop.set()
> and in your thread:
> while not should_stop.wait(1):
>      # do whatever work you can do
> I'm guessing you've already been here and this isn't new info.  Maybe
> someone else has more experience...
>  From stuff I've heard, robotics folks are making use of async I/O to
> solve these situations, rather than threads.  Unfortunately, Python's
> async is a bit of a pain as it's kind of like a virus: a function that
> calls async routines must itself be async, and so on... it kind of
> spreads throughout your program this way, and can be a lot of work
> unless you built it from scratch as async.

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