[Types-sig] Re: Meta-classes discussion starter
David Ascher
Tue, 1 Dec 1998 09:55:40 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Just van Rossum wrote:
> At 11:12 PM -0500 11/30/98, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> > <http://www.egroups.com/list/python-classes/54.html>
> (Hm, since your post contains mostly code, and egroups screws it up
> majorly, I cannot read it... If you still have it, I'd sure appreciate it
> as prvt mail.)
FYI: in egroups, if you choose the 'source' link, you get the raw ASCII,
w/ indentation and all that.
Also FYI, the archives of the egroups list will show up on python.org in a
reasonable format someday.
Also FYI: if you want to get specific (or all) archives from the egroups
list, use:
import urllib, string
for x in range(1, 87):
print "getting post %d" % x
data = urllib.urlopen('http://www.egroups.com/list/python-classes/%d.html?raw=1' % x).read()
while 1:
core = data[string.index(data, '<pre>')+5 : string.index(data, '</pre>')-1]
core = string.join(string.split(core, '\n')[:-5], '\n')
open('%d.msg' % x, 'w').write(core)
print "eGroups wants validation -- ignore it"
data = urllib.urlopen('http://www.egroups.com/list/python-classes/%d.html?raw=1' % x).read()