[Types-sig] Why have two hierarchies? (*EUREKA!*)
Just van Rossum
Sat, 5 Dec 1998 20:47:18 +0100
Evan Simpson wrote:
(-- sounds of grumbling demi-gods in the back of the room --)
Cool summary, mostly correct. A couple of comments and a question in return.
>2. Objects are based on other objects. This forms an inheritance/delegation
>DAG exactly like current class DAGs.
What is a DAG?
>3. If you give an object a name, you've made a class.
That *could* be a possibility. So far, it makes a lot of sense to me, but
this detail is not very important: as long as there is _some_ way to
distinguish a class form an instance.
>This allows you to search the inheritance DAG by name.
Sorry, I don't follow. What is a DAG?
>6. When a function 'f' is an attribute of a named object, the object's kids
>see 'f' as a method. Named kids see 'f' unbound, unnamed kids see it bound
>to themselves. QUESTION: How do bound methods behave? Do they require an
>unnamed object (an 'instance')?
Not as far as I'm concerned: a bound method will probably automatically
have an im_self attribute of the right class, but if you're calling an
unbound method I strongly feel it's the responsibility of the caller to
pass an object (*whatever* object) that the unbound method can handle.
>7. (Not sure on this one) An object can bind a method to itself before
>handing it to its kids, thus allowing the elusive static class method to be
Not sure about this one myself. The easy way is to keep doing what we've
always done:
MyClass.foo(MyClass, ...)
>What about:
>11. "class A2(a):" constructs an object as in #9, but its base is the
>unnamed object from #10.
>Do we allow this, or require bases to be named? If we allow it, do we allow
>"b = a()"?
That maybe a fuzzy part of my scheme indeed. I haven't fully thought this
part through yet.
>How does this mix with __call__?
My demo implementation is broken in this respect. After I posted the stuff
I thought of the obvious solution. Hm, solution is the wrong word: I just
implemented existing Python's call semantics wrongly. It _should_ work like
- if the object we're calling is an instance, search for a
__call__ method
- if the object we're calling is a class, do one of these (don't know
what's better, possibly the latter):
a) construct a new class with (name, (self,), {}) as arguments,
search for an __init__ method, call it if found. (just like
Python Classic)
b) search for a __instantiate__ method, let it handle (a)
>12. "a = class (A):" or "a = object (A):" could be a synonym for #2, but
>allow a code suite to execute in the context of 'a's namespace.
I don't quite follow...
>13. "a = class:" or "a = object:" could perform the same function for
>baseless objects.
>We would now have a simple way to spell nested structures:
>a = object:
> a1 = 1
> def null(): pass
> a2 = object:
> b = "hi!"
>#a.a2.b == "hi!"
>#a.null is a function, not a method!
Hmmm, not bad... But it is the same as:
class a:
a1 = 1
a1 = 1
def null(): pass
a2 = object:
b = "hi!"
a.__name__ = None
>14. "5.__base__ is type(5) is Integer", "5" is nameless, and "
>type(5).__name__=='Integer' ".
I don't know what you mean by type... But yes, something in __bases__ makes
it an integer.
>15. The holy grail "class myInt(Integer):" is attainable.
>*** last minute thought ***
>I am bothered by the need to search the inheritance DAG for attribute
>operators every time you use one. Caching and other possible optimizations
>don't make me feel any better - I can't say exactly why.
I have similar feelings. Right now, my helper method __getattr_from_bases__
uses __getattr__ on each of the bases. Maybe it should just recursively
search their __namespaces__. If you want to override that behaviour: just
define a custom __getattr__ which does what you want.
>Suppose objects could have a __birth_hook__ method, called every time a new
>descendent is created.
Right, this is exactly what I meant with __instantiate__ above.
>Unlike __init__, this would be called on named and
>unnamed objects alike, and before __init__ for unnamed objects.
Erm, confusion: are you creating an unnamed object from a named base or a
named or unnamed object from an unnamed object???
>which redefine __init__ have to cooperate with ancestral __init__s by
>calling them explicitly, but __birth_hook__ is forced on them. It would be,
>among other things, a chance to install __*attr__ hooks into the namespace
>of the new object. "Static class methods" could be installed in subclasses
>(kids with names). We could keep the current namespace-then-delegate model,
>but still allow hookers ;-)
At the conference hotel in Houston, there was a bar called "Hookers Nook"...