[Types-sig] Proposed Goals PEP

Paul Prescod paulp@ActiveState.com
Tue, 13 Mar 2001 03:49:38 -0800

I'll consider your idea. I've seen it before (under various syntaxes and
names) and I can certainly see it's strengths. I have to think carefully
before I throw away any hope of ever statically typing these things so
decisively. Once you depend on .check methods (called "implementedBy" in
the scarecrow interfaces model) you have made static type checking
equivalent to the halting problem! It is one thing to not go far out of
your way to help static type checkers (which is what I tried to do in
the past) and another to actively get in their way!

Still, I'm thinking about it...it does have a certain simplicity. I
think that it will probably be a basis at least for experimentation and
maybe for the final PEP.
    Programming the way
    indented it.
       - (originated with Skip Montanaro?)